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I try my hardest to write my details on the sheet. It's difficult to do when your hands are shaking like crazy, and the palms of your hands are sweaty against the pen.
Full name: Sienna Lauder Walsh
Date of birth: 15th January 2025
Mother: Margery Jones
Father: David Walsh
Siblings: Mathew Walsh

I can't believe my brother and I have just signed this. If feel sick, literally ill.
I've signed a form, to keep my beloved mother caged up like a rabid animal, whilst also my brother and I have experiments on our mothers sociological beliefs.
"Mathew, we're going, now. I can't handle the amount of guilt in this room. We're leaving." As I said this, my lip was trembling. Tears were filling my eyes. Pressure was building up in my throat. I can't cry. Not now. I have to look presentable, or the scary looking doctor behind the old desk, might think that I've gone mental. He would probably try to send me to the asylum. As my uncle Joffery would say: "Sienna, I always knew you would take after your mother; especially after she's turned into the filthy psychotic animal that she is." Uncle Joffery was a horrible man.
He would speak ill of the dead, the cruelty that would run through his mind, the slurred, drunken words that would spill from his alcoholic breath.

"Mathew Walsh? Sienna Walsh?" As I heard the small, petite nurse say these two names, it echoed through my my head. My heart racing. As if I was the only one, in a blank white room, with a loudspeaker confronting me. Repeating the words, the names.
I couldn't handle it. As I snapped back into reality, the nurse recognised our faces from our certificate profiles.
"The doctor may see you now." As the nurse said those words, questions were flooding my brain. What doctor? Is the doctor doing tests on us too? Why is there going to be something in addition to a traumatic overview of what Mathew and I had to sign?

What will happen in the next chapter???!! Tell me in the comment section! Please add this to your library, or reading list!!! This is my first book that I have published onto an app, or website.
Please let me know what you thought about this chapter!!! And thank you so so much for all of your support!!!!

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