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𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧 ᵃᵘᵍᵍⁱᵉ|ᵃʲ
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 - 𝐋𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐚

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just wish you kept yours to yourself." I muttered to Knox Jones, who was pissing me off.

"I mean you asked, dumbfuck." She mumbled the last part low enough just so that I could hear her.

I diverted my attention to her eyes and stared. She stared back knowing the game I was playing, but didn't say a word.

After a long moment, I began to get irritated. Her attention and eyes have yet to divert or even look away.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Aggravating Avery stated from the sidelines of our game. Still, her gaze stayed on me. Avery continued talking stuff, but Knox's hand stopped her mid-sentence.

"Shut. The hell up." She gritted before shooting Avery a glare indicating I won. Before she left the table she flipped me off.

"Avery you needa mind ya damn business." I heard her mutter, making me chuckle.

 Avery walked over to me as if she was the big bad wolf.

"Fuck you laughin at?"

"You." I responded blankly waving them off, and getting back on my phone.

"Hey August." My friend, Scarlett gleamed before sitting on the edge of my seat.

"This isn't a huge chair Scar." I murmured before scooting over.

"Oh hey Avery."

"Hey Scarlett." Avery mugged me before walking away.

"There's a sleepover at Johnathan's house and I want you to come with me." 

Scarlett started to plea knowing I don't like going anywhere with people around. Especially Johnathan's house since he's Knox's brother.

"Scar hell no. I'm not going."

"Please August." 

"No Scarlett."

"August pleeeaseee." She continued pleading until her friend came over to us.

"Why she beggin you AJ?" Brielle questioned before sitting on the other side of me. 

They're acting like this isn't a normal plastic chair that can break at any moment. I stood up and sat on the thighs of Brielle and Scarlett since they pretty much took up the whole seat.

"Cuz she want me to go to Johnathan's sleepover wit her." I scoffed, turning off my phone, slipping it into my pocket.

"Shiit, Scar you should've already knew the answer." Brielle giggled at the situation.

"Well I'm not tryna go there alone."

"Why the hell not?" I looked back at her knowing she just wanted to shoot her shot at Johnathan's cousin, India.

"You a pussy?" Brielle laughed once again.

"Yes, and what about it." Scarlette's eyes diverted from Brielle back to me. "Come on Auggie pleasee."

She continued begging over and over, knowing I hate when she calls me that. This girl is playing way too much.

After a while I got annoyed and finally gave in, which they both knew I would. "Fine," I scoffed, "Fucking fine."

I stood up from their laps and walked out the room.

"Come on."

I waved both of them towards me leading the way to my car. The ride to the store was full of loud music played by Brielle, and even louder singing from Scarlett.

We picked up snacks, drinks, and some food with our last destination being my house.

"August—here, you should wear this."

Brielle threw my black and white plaid, pajama pants onto my bed along with a black t-shirt.

I didn't ask questions and simply walked into my bathroom, putting the clothes on.

I walked back into my room seeing both Brielle and Scarlett dressed.

"Ooh where y'all goin?" My sister, Myani, walked into my room sitting on my bed.

"Nah, get out." I demanded, not answering her question.

"We are going to a sleepover." Scarlett happily answered before sitting beside her, putting on her shoes with Brielle.

"Oh, well y'all have fun—AJ can I sleep in your room tonight?"

"Yes you can."

Brielle answered before I could. I looked at Myani curiously, referring to the fact that she wanted to sleep in my room. She diverted her attention away shyly.

"Invite some friends over or sum, and don't. I repeat, don't mess up my room."

"Okay, I won't."

"I swear My, don't mess my fuckin room up." I advised her before pulling out my wallet and giving her some money for food in case she ordered anything.

"Can you stay until my friends get here?" Myani asked, receiving another confused look from me. I know I'm not trippin. She again, dismissed my look.

"Fine, but they better hurry up." I sat back on my bed.

"Ooh, what y'all doin?" My mother appeared at my doorway.

"Oh hey Bri, and hey Scarlett." My mother waved looking at us all.

"Ma we finna go to a sleepover."

"Mm, is your sister comin or what?"

"Nah momma, I'm stayin in here." Myani answered for herself before our step-dad appeared in the doorway beside our mother.

"Oh hey girls. Hey My." He weirdly smiled at us all.

I looked away hearing the knock at the front door. I stood up from my bed, walking to the front door, opening it to see Myani's two friends, Makayla and Stephanie.

"Hi August—you know why we here."

Stephanie cut Makayla off before shoving me to get inside the house. She act as if this her house; someone's getting too comfortable.

Out of reaction I smacked the back of her head.


Stephanie came correct seeing my mom peeking from the top of the stairs.

"Hi Mrs. Hill." Makayla sung out with Steph. She fake, putting on that front. Everyone knows what she was about to say.

"Hi Makayla, hey Steph. Myani is right up here." My mother waved them up. 

I received a mug from Steph before she walked up the stairs. That girl. That damn girl. 

I followed them upstairs straight to my room.

"Well we gotta go, y'all have fun." Brielle tugged both Scarlett and I down the stairs, to the front door, and straight to my car.

The drive to Johnathan's house was fairly silent until the nearing of our arrival.

"So, is it just me or was Myani bein weird?" Brielle questioned, breaking the silence.

"Yeah I peeped that too, but ion know why." I answered before turning off the ignition to my car.

"Mmm, I guess we should ask her later." Scarlett dismissed the conversation while leading us straight to the front door. 

She knocked on the door; it took some time for some person, any person to simply open the door. To the point where Brielle had to bang on the door like the FBI.

When the door finally opened we were met with a face. The face of the one person I hated seeing.


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