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𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧 ᵃᵘᵍᵍⁱᵉ|ᵃʲ
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

I walked upstairs to the second living room, coming back from my house for some clothes and to check up on Myani.

I walked into the hall seeing Brielle on the arm of the couch, Scarlett up on Ivy, and Knox and Johnathan playing a game.

I was surprised to see Avery nowhere in sight, but then again I don't care about her. 

While walking to the actual living room area rather than creeping in the hall; Avery and India walked out of one of the guest rooms.

It was weird since I haven't really seen India around, but even weirder since they both were both shocked to see me in the hall.

"Damn August!" India gapsed with wide eyes.

"I'm just walking down the hall." I dismissed myself not wanting to talk any longer to people I don't know nor care about.

"Hey August, was Myani okay?"

Brielle queried, taking her eyes off of Dom. Knox took her eyes off the game too, resulting in her losing to Johnathan.

"Shit." She murmured.

"Well, Maya was fine. She's out shopping with her friends now."

I responded to Brielle, walking to sit beside Knox. I looked up at the game they were playing, seeing it was 'Mortal Kombat', I asked to play next.

Knox handed me her controller after losing to Johnathan once again. It was obvious that she was strictly a 'Sims 4' kind of girl.

"Speaking of shopping, anyone want to go out?" Dom cut the comfortable silence in the room.

"Sure, let's go. Everyone get dressed."

Johnathan turned off the game before getting up and announcing:

"Before we get dressed, let's make partners or groups to go out with today."

I guess that was some sort of cue since Avery and India walked into the room.

"Let's do partners."

We ended up making little pieces of paper with names on it, and long story short; I was paired up with Avery. It wasn't the best nor the worst since it wasn't Knox.

If so, I'd probably jump out the window.

After almost twenty minutes of Avery and I getting ready, we decided to start our expedition which ended in the evening at seven. Yes, everyone agreed to take their partner—whoever they may be—out basically all day.

Therefore I had to spend the longest time with Avery.

She drove her car to a random parking lot, and just sat there. Literally for a good five minutes of silence. It was unbearable.

"So, uh, we're here to basically get to know eachother before the actual fun begins."

Avery finally began speaking.

"Alright. Since you drove us here, you ask first."

"Okay, well what do you like to do? Like out of the house."

Not her acting as if I'm in the house twenty-five, eight. Like that's sad; I almost feel offended. I mean I would, if I actually cared.

"Movies, arcades, shopping, the park, rollerblading, the carnival, the fair—I like it all." I replied with a shrug.

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