❤️ Chapter One ❤️

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I want a Cinderella story. I want a fairy Godmother, a pumpkin to turn into a carriage, and run to the ball. Well to do all that you need to be invited to a ball, minor detail. And you might need a prince, also minor detail. No, scratch that, you MUST have a prince. That I absolutely do not have.

Picture Cinderella before her fairy Godmother came. Yea that's me.

School is the least of my problems in my wannabe Cinderella story. But in the real world, school is the MOST important thing in my story. And let me tell you, my story sucks.

I'm an only child so I only have my brain to entertain myself with. My mom probably loves wine more than me. She's always gone to her ever-so-comforting booze since dad died. Dad died from cancer when I was 14. He was so sick, stage 4. It was an extremely hard time for mom and I had no friends, still have no friends to talk to. I keep all the pain inside and cover it up with a big fake smile on the outside, but I'm not weak, never will be.

If I ever want to get away from mom and her booze I need to do good in school. Scratch that- great in school. Dad left us money, obviously but not anything near enough for my schooling. He just never thought it that far, he didn't have much time to.

Like I said, I have no friends. I have acquaintances, per say. I have 'hello' and 'goodbye' people. I've never been in a conversation with someone my age for more than 10 minutes other than the forced ones, like for projects but no one has even initiated one with me. Sad, I know but you get over it. I've learned to make myself laugh and hang out with myself and let me tell you, I am quite fond of me.

Today I was going to change that. Today I am going to make more than an acquaintance. I'm going to make a friend, maybe.

The smell of lemon scented cleaner and wood hit me right in the face when I stepped inside Agnes Hills High school

I grabbed my books from my locker and headed to my first period class, English with Ms. Fahlly. Ms. Fahlly was very nice, unless you tick her off.

My seat was in the very front, in all my classes so I could see the board easier. I really need glasses and I keep asking mom but I don't wanna be a huge bother.

Class starts and I somewhat tune out and stare off into oblivion. Just as I'm in my own world Ms. Fahlly's voice says something that sparks my Interest.

"Nice of you to finally join us Mr. Vanly and Ms. Aire, you do realize you are 10 minutes late to my class?" Ms. Fahlly says sternly.

My head whips up to look at the disaster that is Vince Vanly. His jet black hair is tousled and his shirt is in complete wrinkles. The girl standing next to him isn't in any better shape. Her shirt is half way tucked into her slanted mid-thigh skirt. Her lips are swollen and a dark shade of pink.

They look like they've just run a marathon. Or like they've been doing, other things. Other things I would not like to go into detail about.

Vince speaks up while the girl hangs her head down in shame. "Me and Kate here were just getting some stuff from the Janitorial closet."

"More like getting it on, in the Janitorial closet!" Someone shouts from the back of the class.

"That'll be enough" Ms. Fahlly sighed. "Just please take your seats and try not to disturb my class again."

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