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"Mate stop staring at your phone all the time!" Michael's voice shot through Daniel's ears, making him look up from his phone screen. He'd been waiting for Max's reply for a while now. "I'm waiting for someone to reply."

"Someone huh?" Michael winked, his arm wrapping around the waist of his girlfriend.

Michelle now also joined the conversation. "Are you seeing someone Dan?" She asked him, taking the seat next to her husband after she got a drink from the kitchen.

Daniel sighed, dropping his phone in his lap before his eyes found his sister. She was looking at him with a smirk on her face like she knew the answer already. Daniel slightly smiled at her.

"I knew it!" She squealed. "You've been so different these last few months... happier I guess." Michelle commented.

Michael nodded. "You have been actually." He agreed, looking his best friend up and down. "Do we know them?" He asked.

Daniel bit on his lip, looking down at his lap. He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell them about Max just yet. He hadn't even come out to his family and now he was gonna tell them about his online boyfriend on the other side of the world? No. "You don't. It's still very new and I'm not sure if I want to..."

"It's alright Daniel." Michelle told him. She got up and sat next to him on the couch. "You don't have to tell us now. Tell us when you're ready." She wrapped an arm around Daniel and pulled him into a side hug.

"Thanks." Daniel said, smiling at his sister.

That evening Daniel wanted to get back to his apartment as quick as possible. He had to call Max and speak to him about what happened today. They barely talked about coming out before and Daniel definitely didn't want to rush anything.

When he arrived at his apartment he was quick with jumping on the couch and dialing Max's number. It only took two rings for Max to pick up.

"Dan! Wait a second gotta grab my AirPods." Max pulled his AirPods case out of his pocket and put the AirPods in. "What's up?" He asked.

Daniel grinned at the sight of his boyfriend. "My sister and Michael kinda found out about me dating someone I guess." He told Max, looking everywhere but not at the screen.

"Did you tell them about me?" Max asked in a soft voice.

"No." Daniel replied almost immediately. "I didn't tell them about us. I didn't even say your name. I was just staring at my phone a bit too long and they started so suspect things. They told me I've been happier the last few months." Daniel explained.

The Dutchman chuckled lightly. "They are so sweet. So, they didn't push you into telling them anything about it?"

Daniel shook his head and finally looked back at the screen. "No. I only confirmed it, but didn't say anything else about it."

"You are allowed to do that, you know? If you feel ready to tell them." Max said like it was nothing.

"A- Are you sure? Do you want them to know about us?" Daniel asked unsure. He knew how Max's situation was and that he definitely wasn't ready to come out yet.

"Danny... if you want to tell them you can. If you're happy I'm happy." Max reassured him. "My fear for telling my family has nothing to do with telling your family."

Daniel smiled at himself. He really had the best boyfriend ever. "I would want to tell them, not yet though, or maybe only my sister." Daniel told him.

"Alrighty." Max grinned. "Amsterdam is so chaotic..." He sighed before speaking again. "How was your day though? Did you have a nice time?"

Daniel chuckled at Max's words. "It was great honey don't worry. I was just fifth wheeling as usual." He joked.

Max laughed. "Relatable." He sighed. "Sometimes I wish we could just be with each other all the time. I wish I was with you in Australia today, holding your hand." Max said.

Daniel grinned. "Holding my hand, huh?" He winked.

Max chuckled. "Sometimes I really just want to hold your hand." Max admitted. "I'm sure it feels safe."

Daniel blushed. "I can't wait to hold your hand, be with you all the time, cuddling with you..."

"And cook together." Max added, giggling lightly.

Daniel nodded with a smile. "Would you want to live together?" He asked because that was definitely what Daniel wanted with Max.

Max's eyes shot up. He'd never thought about that. "That would be amazing." He commented. "I would love to wake up next to you every day."

Daniel smiled, satisfied with Max's answer. "I wouldn't want it any other way." If he could he would take the plane and fly over to the Netherlands as soon as possible, but his boss would kill him if he just disappeared.

They talked a little more before Max ended the call, telling Daniel he was meeting with Lando. Daniel had heard a lot about Lando. Max told him Lando was his first best friend, and the first person who he'd came out to. Daniel was glad Max had a person around him he trusted.

His fingers hovered over his sister's contact. He wanted to text her, tell her some more about Max before he would see her again tomorrow.

He tapped on her contact and he was quick with typing a small message.

daniel: His name's max and he lives in the Netherlands.

michelle: I'm really happy for you Dan. I'm glad you found someone.

He doesn't know why he expected a different reply from his sister. She's always been supportive of him and would never make fun of him.

Daniel made a screenshot of the text messages and sent it to Max. It only took a few minutes for Max to reply.

max: She's so sweet! I can't wait to meet her :)

Daniel grinned. He really couldn't wait to show Max off to his whole family. He was perfect.

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