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The only thing keeping Wanda anchored to earth as she attempted to recount her harrowing semester was the warmth of Natasha's hand clutching her own, as steady and strong as the woman herself. Natasha was surprised Wanda kept hold of her even as the two exited the cozy apartment and stepped into the crisp November evening, breeze blowing and leaves floating down, but she did, and Natasha kept Wanda close as the two traversed the sidewalk.

"So, my brother..." Wanda started, unsure of how to begin. "I've never... I don't think I've ever said it out loud before..."

"Take your time, Wanda. You don't have to tell me anything you're uncomfortable with, and you don't have to say anything at all. We can just take a walk."

Wanda took hold of Natasha's hand with both of hers now, mulling her response. The easy way out would be to avoid the conversation altogether, just brush it off, pretend she was fine as she had been doing for months; ignore the problem and pray it went away. It wouldn't, though, the cynic in her knew that much, and honestly, Natasha deserved to know, at least enough to stop worrying so much about the younger woman.

Then there was the problem of actually having such an uncomfortable conversation. Most of this stuff Wanda would not allow herself to even think about, much less say aloud. That made it more permanent, she thought, to speak of its existence, but whether she uttered it or not, it happened. It happened and she could not change it, so she may as well accept it and move on, or at least try to. She deserved to heal.

All of these voices warred in Wanda's head- to tell or not to tell, how to say it, how much to say, and the conflict did not escape Natasha's notice. Wanda's breath quickened, her grip on Natasha's hand tightened, and fearing another spiral, Natasha spoke first.

"Okay, maybe I'll break the ice." Wanda nodded gratefully, allowing Natasha to continue. "So, you've probably put it together by now, but I was nineteen when I took Yelena in full time. Our mom had passed, and I'm the only family she has. It was tough those first few years. I was so young, trying to take care of a teenager when I could barely take care of myself."

"How'd you do it?" Wanda asked, voice small.

"I'm not sure, really. I just knew I had to keep it together for her. So I did."

"You've got more willpower than me, Natasha." The brunette took a deep breath. "Pietro was the only thing that got me through our parents passing. It was sudden, a car accident three years ago. We had just gotten to college, just starting our lives. Everything changed so quickly."

"Pietro... he was your brother?"

"Yes, my twin... people don't understand the bond twins have unless they have one themself. He was my best friend. He was kind of the sun to my moon. Could make me laugh even at my lowest. I miss him every minute."

"Can I ask what happened?"

Wanda scoffed. "He wanted to play hero. Some kid with a gun tried to rob the grocery store down the street, Pietro was there and tried to wrestle the gun away. He didn't win."

"I'm sorry, Wanda. He sounds like a brave man."

"And stupid. Pietro just couldn't stand to see people suffer." Wanda removed one of her hands from Natasha's to wipe her tears. "Anyway, that was two months ago. I've been trying to pick up the pieces since then. I just see him everywhere. I see him in the sun rise and in coffee mugs and flowers and... fuck. I miss him."

Natasha halted the pairs' walk to pull Wanda tight to her, wrapping the taller woman in a hug. Wanda melted into it, almost desperately, like it was the first hug she had gotten in a while. Wanda's tears picked up again, and Natasha held her, moonlight bathing the sidewalk slightly yellow, until Wanda calmed down enough to continue. Wanda kept her eyes on the pavement before her, counting the flowers that managed to sprout through the cracks, but she never let go of Natasha's hand.

"I'm sorry to dump so much on you like that. I hardly know you," Wanda sniffed, laughing at the absurdity of her situation. "But also, thank you. I hadn't really talked about it, and I needed to. Not like I can go to my parents, and I obviously don't have friends."

"You've got friends," Natasha responded. "And thank you for telling me. I'm sure the past few months haven't even felt real. I couldn't imagine losing Yelena."

"Yeah, it's still strange. I spent every day with him for twenty two years, and now, for however long I'll live, I won't get another."

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. Losing her mother had been difficult enough, as had taking care of a younger sibling at such a young age, but at least she and Yelena had each other. Wanda effectively had no one except for the charming florist and her sister. Natasha made a secret oath to check on Wanda often, to guide her through her grief in whatever way she could. Nobody deserved to face that kind of loss alone.

"Do you believe we'll see them again?" Natasha pondered, guiding Wanda to cross the street so the pair could make their way back to Wanda's dorm. "All the people we've lost?"

"Yeah, I think I do. I have to believe that, because I can't stand the thought of never seeing them again."

"Our time here is so precious, isn't it? So fleeting?"

"It is. I told myself after Pietro died that I would start living life to the fullest, because you never know when the end is. But now I'm barely scraping by."

"Barely scraping by is only the first step. You'll get to where you want to be, I promise." Natasha readjusted to have Wanda's arm looped through hers. "You know, I almost don't like the philosophy of 'every day may be your last'."

"Why not?"

"It makes me sort of anxious. Like if I don't accomplish everything I've ever wanted to right this second, then I may never get the chance. It doesn't allow for much incremental growth. It's very... I don't know. It doesn't make me very hopeful."

"If this was your last day on earth, what would you be doing right now?"

"Probably this," Natasha answered as the two approached the door to Wanda's building. "I do believe in fate. At least partially. If I was meant to meet you, and have a moonlight stroll talking about our very sad pasts, then who am I to question the future? If I got lucky enough to cross paths with someone like you, I must be guided by a higher power."

Wanda hummed, stooping down to peck Natasha on the cheek. "I'm glad you moved in."

"Trust me, so am I."

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