The basement

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She turned on the light and walked down the stairs she took multiple trips she even put on some rash cream on her butt and the body part of the opposite side just in case. She then made sure to check the leak guards and everything and she put all the things on the tray for the highchair and she climbed in and locked in it as tight as she could take she sat there and ate her dinner while looking like the biggest toddler sitting in a highchair while her diaper is showing because she changed back into the skirt from before and she was sucking on a pacifier so if Anna came home at that moment imagine the situation she would be in . She sat in the highchair for a good 20 minutes then she tried to get out she was unsuccessful the first time she tried again and failed and again and again and all this frustration made her have to pee again but she did not want to go sitting down in a highchair because if it leaked it would be a big clean up and a lot of explaining to do if she got caught washing it. She kept trying to get out for about 20 more minutes then she could not hold it any more she just started peeing again after 5 minutes of trying she finally got out she was in tears but she quickly stopped because of how babyish she looked. She then went and refilled the bottle and she sat back on the couch forgetting about what diaper for a little bit but then she remembered she needed changed so she changed herself and she started to think about the jumper again she hesitated because of how hard it was for her to get out of the highchair but her curiosity got the best of her so she shut off the tv and grabbed both bottles and the pacifier and she brought everything down then she went and changed back into the onesie that she brought from her house. She went downstairs and she checked the leak guards on her pull up and she grabbed both bottles and put them on the tray around the jumper and she put the pacifier over on the tray and she made sure to put quite a bit of rash cream on. Then she finally put one leg in then the other then she took a deep breath and it didn't break when she sat down. Then she heard a click and didn't realize it had locked shut. She sat there for a minute trying to get comfortable then she finally found the spot. She picked up the pacifier put it in her mouth and started jumping after doing it for a while she got thirst and started to drink the water and then she went back to jumping after a while longer she got tired of jumping so she finally stopped and got a drink she finished the rest of the bottle then she just sat there for a minute looking around to see what else was down there and after a while of resting she started jumping again and she jumped for minutes on end then finally she felt the urge to pee this time she did not fight it because she wanted to know what it feeler like in the first place so after she was done peeing she started junping again and loved the feeling but she got even more thirsty and chugged the other bottle about 45 minutes later she finally had to pee again but this time she felt a different pressure then normal but she didn't really think it was anything so she just started peeing and right after she was done she finally found what the pressure was she had to poop but the thing is she never pooped in a diaper yet and didn't know if she would like it but she did not want to find out so she tried holding it and tried getting out but she couldn't she was locked in she tried her hardest several times and times again and all failed then she finally gave up and gave in because she had no choice and she sat there and started to poop but she hated the feeling of this it was hot and mushy and felt disgusting. She knew she needed to get out because Anna would be home tomorrow night and she needed to get out or she would be in lots of trouble for to many things so she tried and tried and tried again and all failed she tried for another 45 minutes and still couldn't so she just gave up because she could not get out and she was tired and she was making her waist hurt. She sat there and started to cry but she just put the pacifier in her mouth because she didn't want any of the people living around her to hear and call the cops or something. She sat there for about a hour and she had to pee again but the problem was that the last time she peed 3 times in 1 diaper it leaked and she had not done it in a poopy diaper yet so she tried to hold it for as long as she could while she was trying to get out but after about 15 minutes she just gave up and peed but this time luck was on her side and it did not leak.

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