The unexpected

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About one hour later out of nowhere the front door opens and she hears Anna's voice and she panicked because she was still in the wet diaper and in the onesie and she didn't expect her to be home until like 8 or 9 but Abby acted like it was all normal and she said hi to Anna and said you are home early Anna replied with yeh I know but my flight times changed so im here. Abby asked her how the trip was and Anna reply's with good and Anna asks how was Ava while I was gone Abby replied with like a angel she was perfect never fought me and she was willing to do everything that you told me on the list and Anna replied with well that's good and thx for watching her and Anna says you can change out here real quick and I will go change Ava because I have to go do some errands Abby replied with a red face in embarrassing and she said no I'm good i will just go home like this it is a short walk so I will be fine Anna replied with ok and thx again for watching Ava for me it meant a lot Abby said your welcome and no problem. Abby then said bye and Anna said bye back Abby was panicking because there was no way on earth she could walk into the house looking like this because her mom would be able to tell immediately and she would be in so much trouble Abby was just thinking about it and she peed herself on purpose of course. Abby finally arrived home and could not tell if her mom was home or not because she parked in the garage all the time so Abby went and stepped right in front of the front door and she peed herself again because of how embarrassed she would be if her mom was home. She then finished and she twisted the door nob and it was locked which was a good sign Abby picked up the plant and grabbed the key and she unlocked the door walking straight in and into the kitchen and in the living room the 2 places her mom mostly is no sign of her she then walked up the stairs and checked all then rooms and on Abby's bed in her room was a note saying if you are reading this it means I'm at work and after I'm going to go shopping I'm not going to be home till 8:00 and she wanted her to do her chores like normal.

Abby's diapered summerWhere stories live. Discover now