chapter thirty; end.

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intimacy, real love true.

(one year later)
(fancy restaurant)

Felix and I are here at this amazing restaurant, and in front of us, sits a beautiful cake.

-happy one year anniversary-

The cake was a white simple cake, at the top was written "Happy one year anniversary- on it.

I love this man.

A few months ago, Felix was named CEO of Gabriel Agreste Inc, since Gabriel had decided it was finally time to retire.

I was so happy for him, but this was our one year anniversary, and we had decided not to discuss work matters.

My hair had grown out, it went down to my lower back now. I'm wearing a red short dress I designed myself.

Felix was wearing a matching colored tie. "Shall we eat this delicious cake?" I ask, eyeing the cake.

"We shall." he says, I pick up the knife and slice a piece of cake. I place the first piece on his plate, then the second on mine.

He waits for me to place my piece on my plate before he eats his. We dig in, the cake was from my parents bakery, it tastes like heaven in my mouth.

I see Felix's eyes light up as well. "This is spectacular!" he exclaims.

"Mari, after this, we should go to the gazebo in the park." he says, taking another bite.

"Okay!" I say, the gazebo was where we first had tea together, it was a beautiful scenery. It looks even more beautiful at night.

After we finished, we split the bill and headed out.

Felix was driving his new car, he kept the tesla, but he also got a new version of it.

When we arrived at the gazebo, I hear classical music playing.

When Felix and I were enjoying the breeze of this spring night, I hear The Swan playing.

"Felix! It's your favorite song!" I exclaim, when he looks at me, he looks nervous.

"Marinette, I need to ask you something." he says, I was worried.

Suddenly, he gets down on one knee, realization hits me when he pulls out the pink velvet box.

Felix wanted to marry me.

I love him.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will you do me the greatest favor and be my wife?" he says. Tears form in my eyes.

"Felix Agreste!" I exclaim. "YES! YES YES YES!" I scream, jumping into his arms.

After the hug, he puts my ring on. It was beautiful. The diamond was so beautiful. It was simple, but I like simple.

I give him a huge kiss. "We need a photo!" I say, Felix laughs "You don't need to worry about that." he says, pointing to the photographer, plus the 193 paparazzi lined up.

"I'll love you til the day I die, Felix Agreste." I say, looking at him.

"And i'll love you in the afterlife." he says, smirking.
~~(4 months later)

It was the day, the day I get married to the man i've been waiting for my whole entire life.

My hands are sweaty. My dress fit me like a glove. Perfecting my curves, making me look amazing.

It was a lace design, it was a tight fit, but it was me. Gabriel designed it just for me.

Alya was of course my maid of honor, Nino the best man.

My hair was put up in a bun, my bouquet a beautiful pink theme, with pink roses and daisies.

It was almost time for me to walk down the aisle. I can't breathe.

I'm so nervous.

My dad cried, he was claiming Felix was stealing his little princess away. I told him to stop being so dramatic, my mom agreed.

When it was finally time, I stood in-front of the gate, which was to open when I was about to walk down the aisle.

My wedding venue was outside, it was autumn, the scenery was absolutely beautiful.

The gates opened, was I ready?

Will I ever be?

The answer is yes, this is Felix, the man I have been in love with for nearly two years.

When I walk down the aisle, The Swan started playing, Felix and I agreed since it's been such a significant part of our relationship I would walk down the aisle with it playing.

I see Felix's eyes go glossy, he puts his finger under his eye. I start tearing up.

It's finally time, i've been waiting my whole life for someone who will love me unconditionally until I die.

Even if I get fat and old, Felix said he would love me, even if Felix was bald and blind, I would stay with him until the end.

He was my soulmate. We fit together like a puzzle.

This was the person i've been waiting my whole childhood for. He was the dream man I read about in my romance books as a teenager.

When I finally make it to Felix at the end of the aisle, I thought I was dreaming.

"Felix Agreste, you were the one I dreamt about, even though we had a rocky beginning. I saw you at the office and thought you were one of the rudest people ever. Getting to know you though, you were my dream man, you understood me, helped me even when you hated me." I say, my eyes tearing up. "I want to stay with you until my last breath." I say.

Felix's eyes were red, he wipes his tears.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng." he says "You were the girl who I thought would never get the work done, knowing you now, you're the most ambitious, hardworking human being i've ever met in my entire life. You are the most intelligent, beautiful woman i've ever laid my eyes upon. I want to love you even after we become old and gross." he says, "Please, I think you saved me." he says.

After we said our "I Do's" Felix and I had the best reception ever, we decided not to get drunk.

We bought a house together a month before the wedding, it's a huge home, but I love it.

               (((((((((((the end))))))))))))


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