Stay with me -Fluff

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Im gonna be starting with a cute lil thing!
Hope I do this right gosh (╥_╥)


It was a nice warm summer night in Piltover.
Jayce and Viktor were working late in the Lab. Jayce was drinking a fresh cup of coffee to stay awake while he was sitting at his table scribbleing on a piece of paper.
Viktor was at his desk too writing some stuff trying not to fall asleep. He closed his eyes what felt like a moment for him. But he must have closed them for longer as He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. A familiar voice spoke to him softly.

,,Viktor? You shouldn't be falling asleep at your desk.. Thats not good for your back or your leg.. You should go to bed"

The Tall man bent over a bit to look the rather pale man in the face to see if he was awake and could hear him.

,,hm? Ah... No no. Im fine..we.. Have lots of work to finish.'' Said Viktor in his hard accent.

Jayce let out a small sigh but couldn't help a little smile.
His Lab partner always put work before sleep. Or his own health. He was such a hard working man. And a beautiful one too.

,,Aww come on. We have lots of time to finish those projects! It won't do us any good if we work till we pass out only to find lots of mistakes we made while being so sleepy! We will have more work that way." Jayce said while straightening himself again.

Viktor sighed.
,,I suppose you are right about that...well lets clean up a bit first tho. We can't work in such a mess hm?" Viktor said while looking for his Cane.

The taller man quickly grabbed Viktors Cane and gave it to him while helping him get up.
,,let me do that for you! You have done enough already today Viktor!" Jayce mentioned while giving him a big smile.

He quickly cleaned up the papers and books with all the project scraps on the desk.
As Jayce turned back to Viktor he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as his lab partner had struggles to stay awake.
He looked so cute as he tried to not let go of his Cane while trying to keep his eyes open.

Jayce thought for a second.

Suddenly Viktor got lifted up in Jayces arms!
The pale man gave out a little squick (?) As he got lifted into the air. He immediately held on to Jayces strong arms as a nice color of pink flushed over his face.

,,are you crazy?! You scared me half to death! Let me down this instant!"
Viktor yelled in embarrassment. He tried to push himself away from Jayce but failed either of His friends strong grip or of him being to sleepy.

Jayce picked up Viktors Cane he dropped when he was lifted while holding the man tightly. Tho he was carful to not hurt him of course.
He started walking out of the lab and through the castle like building.

After a minute if trying to get put down Viktor gave up and just embraced his situation.
He slowly closed his eyes again. He felt really comfortable after a while. It was nice being close to someone.. Someone like Jayce. Tall. Handsome. Strong. Viktor could hear the Tall mans heartbeat while laying in his arms. It was very comforting. He felt as if he never wants to stop listening to it. Never wanting to let go..never wanted to get out of these arms.
He never felt this way before.. At least not with a man. But he just excused it with being so tired.

Jayce slowly opened the door to Victors room.
It was pretty clean. Everything was organized. No clothes on the floor. No paper or scraps laying around. The total opposite of His room.
Jayce was glad Viktor couldn't see his room. The small guy would probably get a heart attack if he saw how messy it is.
As He looked down at his partner he noticed he was sleeping..or thats what he thought. He seemed really relaxed.
So Jayce carefully laid Viktor down into the bed.
He couldn't leave him in those uncomfortable clothes could he?
Should he wake him up to change? Should he take off his clothes?

Jayce thought for a second and decided it would be better to wake him up.
He put his hand on Viktors shoulder and shook him softly.

Viktor let out a little grunt and fluttered open his eyes as he slowly sat up and started to take off his clothes.

Jayce turned around and waited fir Viktor to be finished and lay back down.
He took one last look at his Partner.

,,goodnight Viktor. See you in the morning" Jayce said quietly. Almost whispering.

,,Jayce wait please." Viktor said just as Jayce was about to leave the room.
The big guy turned back around.

,,what is it? Do you need something?" Jayce asked.

,,can you..stay with me tonight?..please?.." Viktor whispered. Scared of how his Partner might react.
But he needed him. He didn't know why but he just had to hear that heartbeat again. Be close again. Lay in his arms again.
Viktor felt his face getting warm.

Jayce wasn't sure how to react at first but then gave Viktor a soft smile.

,,Well.. If that will make you have a goodnights rest.. I guess I can do that for you"

Jayce took off his clothes except his Boxers. While Viktor was wearing his Boxers and his shirt. He would be to cold without it even in summer.
After he finished he carefully laid down next to Viktor. Without thinking twice he pulled him into a cuddle.

Viktor blushed as he felt Jayce's soft skin against him.
He slowly snuggled his head on Jayces chest. Closely listening to his partners heartbeat that made him feel so calm again. Feeling his breathing on his hair. His arms wrapping around him.
Viktor closed his eyes as his eyelids got heavier by the second.
Before the fell asleep he whispered a simple

,,Thank you...''

To his Partner Jayce as Both finally fell asleep close to each other.


Gosh this took long to write as I had trouble doing so ;w;
Pls let me know what I could do better or what you liked the most!

See ya! O(≧∇≦)O

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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