(TxR) in the rain (mild smut)

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A/N: I'm not adding Peter too much to this one just because I want to focus on some fluffy cheesy between TK and y/n

Y/n pov

The final customer of the day walked out the door. I sighed in relief knowing that we can finally go home. I've just fucking had it today! One more bitching customer and I swear I would've lost my head. My head hurts, my feet are sore and I am so tired.

If that wasn't bad enough, I was late this morning so TK has been a little irritated with me. I didn't have any clean clothes so I kinda smelled all day. At this point, it doesn't matter though, clean clothes or not I'd still stink just as much.

"Ladies, bros, and non-binary hoes, it's officially the end of the day." Tk dramatically flips the sign around on the door before locking it.

I finished wiping a few tables and giggle. Somehow TK always makes me feel better when Im upset. My frown fell away as I realized I'd have to walk home tonight in the dark.

I don't like the dark, I feel like someone is always watching me. It's been worse lately, I feel eyes everywhere I go even now. I stare down at the stain I'm trying to scrub off on the table and start to space out. My exhausted brain can't focus on reality anymore.

"Y/n? Do you need a hug?" TK offered me with open arms. Their hugs always warmed me and gave me a little boost of energy.

They smelled like fries but also like a fresh ocean breeze and a bit of vanilla. It was nostalgic in its comfort since my mother would always wear vanilla perfume when we visited the beach. She said that people fall fast for those who smell like vanilla and she sure loved fishermen. I wasn't going to argue with her ridiculous silly tradition.

I put down the washcloth and came over to TK, wrapping myself in their arms. They were warm against my cold body. Not in the way of heat but in the feeling of loneliness. I was so alone outside of this hug but when I was with them I felt safe and loved.

The familiar aroma welcomed me. That smell of vanilla and the ocean. Maybe my mother was right, maybe it wasn't so silly that vanilla could melt anyone. My heart fluttered around in circles as I nuzzle further into their chest. At the same time, I could hear theres.

Bum bump

Bum bump bump bump

Bum bump bum bump bum bump

Quicker and quicker until I pulled out of the nice hug. I was met with that empty feeling of loneliness without them, but I had a little more energy. I looked down embarrassed by how quickly I accepted their hug.

"Thanks. I needed that." I smiled and turned towards the back to grab the mop.

"Yeah, a-anytime!" They awkwardly stumbled over their words blushing at me.

Man, they're so cute, I just want to kiss them sometimes but they're just a friend. I wish I had the nerve to ask them out but I just don't.

I pull the mop out and start on the floors while TK stands there. I promised I'd finish up all the tasks since I was late again.

"You can head out, I'll finish up here." Drained the excess water out of the mop and flopped it to the ground.

"No, it's dark out and you're still worried about being watched right?" I nodded while I pushed the mop along the ground. "Well, then I'm going to walk you home."

"You don't have to." I moved a few chairs to clean under them and finally finished the floors.

"Of course I do. What are friends for?" Tk smile pierced my guts. It stung worse than a bee sting when they called me their friend.

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