goth peter expresses his feels pt 2

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A/N: this was a request to continue the story. We will see what happens when y/n finds out about Peter's escapades. the absolute drama

3rd person pov

The next day at school y/n was in a particularly good mood and so was Peter. Sarah, Peter's sister and one of y/ns best friends, picked up on this right away. She has a bit of a reputation for being nosy so of course, she began to pester Peter about it. When he refused to talk about what was going on she dropped it. Y/n was a lot easier to pull the information out of.

"Come on, come on, come on!!" Sarah shook y/n by the shoulders. Y/n almost dropped her books.

"Stop! You're going to make me drop my stuff!" Y/n pulled away from Sarah who huffed and crossed her arm.

"What's going on? You've been smiling and blushing all morning." She gave a sly look and whispered "Did you meet someone?"

Y/n grin grew and her cheeks became a dusty rose color. Sarah took that as a yes and squealed in excitement. "Who is it? Tell me!!" She pushed and pushed. Y/n looked at her toes trying to hide her ruby cheeks.

"I don't want you to be upset with me. I'm not sure you'll like who it is.."

Sarah's voice whined like a little dog. "I won't, please. It's killing me" Sarah gave a pained expression. What a drama queen.

"It's Peter," Y/n said quietly and kept her eyes down. There was still silence. Y/n peeked up at Sarah who was troubled. "I told you you wouldn't like it." Y/n regretted her choice immediately.

"No, that's not it. We have a little bit before class. We need to talk about this." Before y/n could say anything Sarah began dragging her into the girl's bathroom.

"What's all this about? I know it's weird because he's your brother and all but I promise it won't change our friendship." Sarah checked each stall to make sure they were alone. Once the coast was clear she turned to y/n.

"I have to tell you something about my brother.. he's not exactly the monogamous type.." Sarah hoped y/n would get the point but she was oblivious to the implication.

"When did all of this happen?" Sarah asked. Y/n stomach fluttered thinking about the evening before. How he held her hand, kissed her cheek. Her eyes were met with Sarah's and the pity in them made her stomach drop.

"Last night. Why?" Y/n tightened her grip on her books. That sinking feeling was starting to crush her.

"Fuck, that dick," Sarah grumbled.

"W-what?" Y/n voice shook, her heart beating faster.

"I'm sorry y/n my brothers a fuck boy. I don't know what he said to you but there was a girl.." y/n eyes watered. That euphoric feeling she had all morning squeezed all the air out of her. She didn't want to believe Sarah.

"You're wrong, he wouldn't do that!" Y/n yelled at Sarah before storming out of the bathroom.

"Y/n, wait!" Sarah tried to go after her but when she peeked out of the bathroom she was far gone.

Y/n eyes held small tears in her eyes but refused to let them fall. There's no point crying unless there was something to cry about. She didn't believe Sarah in fear of being hurt. 'Sarah's probably just jealous' she thought as she found Peter outside the school.

She approached him quickly. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked looking down at her. She forced a little smile insisting that she was okay. She took a deep breath before asking him.

"Sarah, she said something." Y/n started hesitantly. Peter frowned.

"What did she say now?" His fist tightened ready to find and teach his sister a lesson.

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