Session 39

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{Smut warning! skip to session 40 if you don't want to read this!}

Quinn kept her legs glued together as Spike led her by the hand down the hallway towards her bedroom. Unlike Spike, Quinn hated the mess that came with sex. She hated the sticky residue it left on her surroundings and most of all, she hated the wetness between her legs that never seemed to dry on its own. On the other side of things, Quinn knew how much Spike liked to taint her, she didn't mind playing along with his desires.

Spike often expressed how much he loved to defile and leave his mark, meaning Quinn usually woke up in the morning with bite marks, cuts, bruises and other minor wounds littering every inch of her skin. Every night they spent together was just as aggressive, if not more, than the night before; tonight was no different, and Quinn was excited to see where things were going to go.

"Spike, just clean me up here," Quinn begged as Spike dragged her past the guest bathroom.

"No, I think the shower in your bathroom is much more comfortable," Spike added, and Quinn groaned as he continued to pull her down the hallway.

Quinn could feel the stickiness dripping down the insides of her thighs. She prayed that none of it would end up on the floor or anywhere else for that matter. To her luck, she managed to make it to the bathroom without making a mess of her place. Satisfied with her ability to keep her surroundings clean, she smiled happily as Spike led her into the bathtub. He switched on the tap and hot water began pouring out of the faucet. Spike ran his hand under the water for a moment before gesturing for Quinn to sit down. Quinn obeyed, and as her bare body hit the bottom of the tub, Spike detached the removable shower head from its holder.

He turned on the shower head and water began to pour out.

"Spread your legs for me dear," Spike asked as he switched the shower head to a harsher setting. Quinn nodded in agreement as she pulled her legs apart.

Spike was quick to direct the water between her legs. Quinn smiled as she felt the stream of warm water wash over the lower half of her body. She sighed as she leaned her head back against the shower wall. After a few minutes of washing, Quinn felt like Spike had cleaned everything up.

"I think that's good for now," Quinn stated before readjusting her posture. Spike seemed to hear her, but he didn't turn the water off. Quinn paused for a moment before studying the expression on his face. He seemed oddly fixated on the water stream, and even though Quinn had been talking to him, he hadn't made an effort to make eye contact or even verbally reply to her.

Confused, Quinn opened her mouth to speak.

"Spike, I think I'm goo-," Quinn began, but she immediately cut herself off as she felt the stream of water brush over her clit. Suddenly, Quinn's posture reverted back to what it was before. She leaned her head back against the shower wall before allowing a staggered, shallow moan to escape her mouth.

"Ah, there we go," Spike murmured. Quinn looked up at him. He was focused; more focused than she had ever seen him before.

"S-spike, what are you doing," Quinn mumbled as Spike managed to perfectly locate her clit with the water stream.

"Holy shit Spike- oh my god," Quinn groaned loudly. The pressure within her abdomen was causing her to grow desperate for release.

"How's that feeling?" Spike asked. Quinn could hardly speak.

"Good- so good," she mumbled feebly as her eyes rolled back into her head.

She couldn't believe what Spike was doing. After all the times he had cleaned her up, he had never tried this before. Of course the feeling from the shower head wasn't foreign, but the act being played out by someone other than herself was a concept Quinn had never contemplated before.

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