News At Six

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When Alexander got home, he decided that he should scrap revision for the day. His home was large, but was rented due to his family's lack of wealth. His father, Mattayas was employed in a toy company, often with low pay; however, when Alexander was younger, his father would have given his son presents from the factory, if they allowed it. 

"Welcome back, Alex!" His mother, Gloria, said, a broad smile written on her face. 
"What time is it?" Alexander groaned.
"Never mind about that. It's irrelevant since I'm home from work today!" came a voice in a low tone. It was undeniably the voice of his father. A silhouette in a straight, tall posture emerged from the shadows of the end of the corridor, revealing Mattayas. 

Sitting down at their round miniscule dining table, the family tuned in to the news, switching on their television. 

"Welcome to Brand-News: Special Update. Twenty minutes ago, there was a press conference with the nation's leader of police, Matthew Ardson, Home Secretary Rebecca Vonduli , and President Graham Stirling. Here we will give you a replay of what has happened:

President: Welcome, I am here to discuss the lower classes'  irrational behaviour towards our country. They are disgraces.

Leader of Police: We understand, Mr President. We will mobilize our police agencies at once.

Home Secretary: But which people of the lower classes? 

Leader of Police: Yes. We need to know who to arrest. Who is it who has committed such vile crimes?

President: All of them. We shall first imprison them, then have them prepped up for execution. They are all horrible. Children to babies, Elderly to adults, all shall perish to show our immense strength. We need a country of pure, not of filth. I therefore issue all lower-class citizens now criminals with a death sentence in effect. NOW. 

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