Chapter 3- A couple of weeks later..

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I wake up and roll over to the cold spot where Harry is supposed to be. It's 6 in the morning.

After that night, Harry decided that he would stay for a few more nights, which I had no problem with.

"What the hell? Where is he? Oh god. Should I tell him? ", I ask myself for the hundredth time,"Well, to tell him I'd have to find him first."

I grabbed my phone and I ran through the house, looking in every bedroom, outside, and finally in the bathroom in the downstairs guest room.

And that's where I found him.

I had to lean on the counter because my knees are beginning to give out. Harry was on the floor, his pale but still warm body curled up in a ball with a pill bottle in his hand.

I gasped and broke into tears. "NO! HARRY! NO! PLEASE NO!", I screamed.

Luckily I had my phone with me and I called 911.

They were there in two minutes tops, since I lived in a pretty small city.

While they tried to revive Harry, I sat next to him, begging him to stay with me. I also called Liam, Zayn, & Louis. Niall wouldn't answer, so I left him a voicemail.

Soon after I called the boys, relief came to my rescue.

Harry was breathing again.

"Harry.", I whispered into his ear as I pulled him closer to me, "Why?"

Having trouble catching his breath, Harry said,"Because-"

Knowing he was struggling, I said,"Shhh. You sound like you can't breathe, hun. Tell me later.",I say to him softly. I stare at him with heavy tears running down my cheeks and kiss his forehead.

 Five minutes later, the boys were at my apartment, sitting next to me waiting while Harry gets checked up by the doctor in my bedroom.

We are all sitting in silence some of us- Louis and I- crying and the rest of us- Liam and Zayn- sitting on the edge of our chairs waiting for an answer.

Later, the doctor comes out of the room and says,"He's going to be fine."

We are overwhelmed with happiness until the doctor tells us why he did it.

"He told me, he did it for love."

"Love?", Liam said.

The doctor nodded his head. "Yes, but he said he would tell her,and only her, the rest", he said pointing at me.

"Me? Now?", I said.

The doctor, again, nodded his head and opened the door to show the pale faced Harry Styles, lying in my bed, forcing a smile for me.

"Harry.", I say with a smile and tears on my face.

"Hey.", Harry says.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?

"Yeah, but my head and my chest hurts really bad. But, I'll get over it."

"Harry, why? Why did you do that?"

"Because I love you."

"If you love me, then why would you try to kill yourself? It doesn't make sense to me, Harry."

He stays silent for a few seconds and finally says, "For the past few weeks, you've been talking a lot in your sleep. You kept saying,' Niall, Niall. Don't leave me. I will never love anyone but you.' I thought that I would never have a chance with you. So I got up at two minutes to six, grabbed a random bottle out of the cabinet, and swallowed some pills. It's just- I- I've loved you for so long, and I just couldn't take it anymore. I thought if I was out of the picture, you wouldn't feel bad to go out with Niall again."

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