Last Chapter Twenty-nine - Beatrice

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Beatrice felt like her jaw had come unhinged. She was completely flummoxed. It was simply too much to fathom. The ruined castle in the woods had actually once been her ancestors family seat? Preposterous. Father had never once mentioned owning such a grand edifice, not that he had spoken much of the past. If she closed her eyes and concentrated, she could just barely remember her Father's parents and the old manor house they had once shared. True, a sprawling monstrosity that her Father quickly abandoned without a qualm. Beatrice was just a bit older than little Martine when the elderly couple passed away and Father moved their little family into the townhouse. Still that was nothing like a castle.

Considering what she'd seen of the dilapidated condition of the stone building, the place must have sat empty for centuries. But as for it's undoubtably rich history, could that demesne truly have once belonged to the ancient Smollett clan? And how had the Stewardship been lost? Surely something tragic had occurred to completely abandon such a fine holding as it once must have been. Had they lost favor with the reigning monarch? Had their fortunes turned so drastically that the building had to be abandoned? It really was too much to consider after everything else that had happened over the last week. She could barely take it all in.

"I can't wait to explore the rest of that place." Teddy remarked with a satisfied grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's a good thing you married Uncle Bear, Aunt Bea."

"Why?" Martine piped from her comfortable place in Beatrice's lap.

"Because." Felicia pronounced in lofty certainty. "The ancient family seat of our ancestors is ours once more."

"What's a 'ancient family seat'?" Martine asked with a yawn.

"Uncle Bear's castle, of course, silly." Felicia rolled her eyes, impatient with her little sister's ignorance. "We are going to live there together."

Martine twisted in Beatrice's lap to peer up questionably at her aunt. "Are we going to live together in Uncle Bear's castle now?"

Beatrice glanced over her shoulder to where Gilbert sat silently watching. What must he be thinking about all this? He had been trapped in this situation just as surely as she was. She had no doubt about his innocence. He hadn't intentionally sought out to obtain the deed to what had once been her ancestor's holding. He'd had no knowledge of the previous owners just as she hadn't known they were her own family. He hadn't even known who she was before she came banging at his door. It was she who had barged into his life, bringing her problems to his doorstep.

Now, because he had married her, he was burdened with a family he had never considered taking on. And yet, he knew that when he proposed, hadn't he? The fact of taking on an instant family had not phased him for even a moment. After all the trouble and frustration they must have caused him, he still soldiered on. Offering his protection, his knowledge and his unquestioning support at every obstacle.

He was her husband. They were man and wife now, pledged before God and witnesses. That was a commitment not easily set aside. Would Gilbert ever contemplate such a solution? It was possible. After all, the marriage was new, unconsummated. Not that she knew much about marital relations between a man and woman. It was a topic that was considered taboo and never mentioned. She was still too young when her parents passed away and certainly, Sissy had never attempted such a delicate conversation with her young sister-in-law.

But did she want to end the marriage? The answer was an instant, emphatic 'no'. She craved his affection and his strength, his calm reassuring presence in her ever changing life. But what did he want? She was terrified to put the question before him. What if he denied any responsibility or obligation to any of them? And yet, he had never shirked away from difficult situations before. He wasn't the type of man to simply walk away.

There was only one way to be certain. She swallowed back the fear rising in her throat. Her eyes met his for the first time since this whole ordeal had begun. She had been too ashamed before. Fearful of finding anger and disgust in those beautiful silvery-blue eyes of his. But all she saw reflected there now was gentle concern and perhaps a trace of pain.

Finally, taking courage in hand, she plainly asked. "What do you say, Gilbert? It is your castle."

At first his eyes widened in startled surprise as if he had expected her to say something else completely. Then, she watched as his gaze softened and warmed with an affection she could hardly dare believe. Hope sprouted in her chest and grew exponentially as her husband rose from his seated position and slowly drew near. He slid forward on his knees until he was close enough for her to feel the warmth emanating off his body. Slowly he lifted one large hand and gently stroked his fingers along her cheek, until he cupped her face in his palm. All the while he held her gaze, his eyes dark with promises she hardly dare hope to claim.

"Family is home." He croaked in his low, rough voice. "Together, always."

Like a cork released from a bottle, Beatrice launched herself into his arms, forgetting everything but the compulsive need to be held in her husband's arms. The world narrowed to just the two of them as their lips met and locked in a kiss of pure jubilation. Beatrice sighed in relieved satisfaction as she immersed herself into his embrace. Finally, she felt whole again. This was what she had needed. The comfort and reassurance of his embrace. She abandoned herself to his kiss and the passion flaring between them. Together they created a raging inferno and she was lost in the blaze. Until something shifted between them.

A giggle and the continued wriggling against their chests reminded Beatrice that little Martine had been sitting in her lap and the child was now squashed between their chests. With a soft laugh, Gilbert's hold slackened and allowed her to pull back to make some space, but maintained contact as if he couldn't bare to release her. Martine instantly popped to her feet to stand in the center of their embrace and attempted smother them both with her own brand of kisses. The two of them chuckled at the little imp and her antics. And then Teddy and Felicia launched themselves into the pile and they were all hugging and laughing. Together. As a family.

Beatrice was so happy. She finally had her family back. They weren't the original family she had once had. Mother and father, even Michael, were gone but these three children were here and she loved them whole-heartedly. She would see that they grew into their full potential and could take their places in the world. All thanks to this wonderful man.

The end.

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