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Mitch's POV

I woke up the next day to the voice of my mother yelling at me from the kitchen, telling me to get ready for the first day of school. It took me a bit to get up. I didn't feel ready for another year of school. Especially since it's the last year of school. I wasn't prepared for the conversations I was going to have at school.

Mitch you little shit. Get the fuck up for school. Jesus fucking Christ it's not like you're going to talk to anyone because of how lonely you are.

I then do as what the voice said. I got up to check the time. 20 minutes until school starts. Seems like it's too hard to get ready by then but I'm able to take the challenge. I dressed up. Obviously I didn't have time to take a shower as I normally take 30 minute showers. I put on socks and other things. Then I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.

"Another year of torture," I muttered so no one like my siblings hear me.

I got to the kitchen and sat down as my mother gives me my breakfast. Everyone at the table were talking about the hockey game last night or something. I didn't really paid attention to the conversation as usual.

"Mitch I can't believe you're finally at your last year of school," my mother exclaims. "Oh my sweet baby boy is growing up so fast."
I heard my siblings giggled. I groaned.

"Well I can't believe I made it through the years without talking to anyone. I guess there's a thing we should be proud of." I sarcastically said.
I ate my food quickly as I was a fast eater myself. But also so I won't be late to get my schedule at the gym room. Every year the staff would always change where to get our schedules for some stupid reason. Last year I had to get it at the front office and the year before that my schedule was mailed to my house.

10 minutes already went by quickly. My mother then said she had to go do the laundry or something. She then left as I finish.

"Don't worry Mitch. Mom always embarrasses me in front of the family when she's proud of me. You'll get used to it," I looked to see my older step-sister Marley talking to me. She was the only person in the room with me.

"I guess so," I replied.
She then left the room as I looked at the time. 10 minutes until the bell rings.
I grabbed my books, gym clothes, etc and put them in my backpack.

Books, check.
Clothes, check.
Wallet, check.
Phone, check.
Supplies, check...

I checked off everything I had with me.
I sighed. Now it's the tricky part. Actually going to school. I walked out of the house to my car. I got inside of it and put my backpack away. I put on my seatbelt and started the car. I then drove to the school.

As I got there, there was already so many people in the front entrance. I shivered of the lack of people. I hated being in crowds. One of my worst fears. I had to get over it this time though.
I parked my car and I opened the car door. I grabbed my backpack, close the car door, and I walked inside the school. There were people hugging each other, saying how they missed each other over break.

I walked away from the crowds of people to the gym room. I thought I'd be alone but as I got there, there were more crowds. I began going in the long line. The line to the front seemed like hours, days, or weeks! I finally got to the front and there was a teacher sitting across from me in a small table.

"Name," She said without any emotion showing.

"M-Mitchell Hughes," I stuttered. I wanted to slap my face. Great. I already got nervous. In front of a teacher.

"Hmm Mitchell Hughes," the teacher said as she looks through schedules.

" wait! I found it. Mitchell Hughes. Senior. Well here you go young man. Have a great day," She said as she finally showed emotion towards me. I grabbed the paper and left the line. I stood away from everyone to a small corner.

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