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Mitch's POV

After a couple of days of the project, things were awkward with Jerome and I. We would just mumble things to ourself and quietly research while everyone else went crazy and started yelling and gossiping. From what I heard, Jerome would usually interact with others but instead, he stayed with me.

One day we were quietly researching then he asked me a question I never thought anyone would ask.

"Can I come to your house today? For the project?," he asks with a praying look on his face. A few seconds later I nodded.

Mitch what are you doing? Isn't he supposed to be someone you're against? Like an arch enemy?!

Well this isn't Harry Potter.

What am I doing? My parents are having a day off today. How am I going to explain why I brought Jerome? Oh god, I hope they won't embarrass me.

"Awesome! I thought you were going to say no. After school, I'll meet you next to the trophy cases."

"Alright," I say quietly. I'm not use to bringing people home. The last time I brought someone was a traumatic experience I never want to experience ever again. I guess it is time to make new friends.

~Later that day~

"Yes you came!" Jerome exclaims as he sees me walking towards him.
"Yeah yeah. Let's just get in my car," I say grumpily while holding my car keys.

We got in my car and drove straight to my home. It was a silent ride. Jerome tried to make a conversation a few times but I never gave in to reply or continue.
As we got inside my house, Jerome was inspecting around it as if he were a detective. I looked at the sink and saw that there was piles of dishes and cups.

Damnit Connor why didn't he clean the dishes yet?

"Yeah it's not much.." I awkwardly said.

"Not much? Dude, you have more furniture than I ever will in life. Plus you have those expensive decorations!" he exclaimed.
"Yeah, um my mom kinda made the house fancy and.." then I heard footsteps coming and stopped.

"Mitchell, sweetie is that you?" it was my mom. She quickly walked up to me as she saw Jerome. She looked very excited and enthusiastic.

"Oh and you brought a friend!" she gasped and hold out her hand to Jerome. "Hello I'm Mitch's mother. And yes I buy all of the fancy furniture," she laughs and shakes Jerome's hand. I wanted to leave the room as soon as possible.

"Well hello Mrs.Hughes. I'm Jerome. Mitch and I are doing a history project together so we decided to come here for planning!" he replies. This is embarrassing.

"Oh Jerome dear, call me Marsha."

"Okay Marsha. C'mon Mitchell, let's go to your room," he teases me.

"Marsha dear can you please help me put on my Elf costume for tonight? I don't think my butt would fit in it," my dad yells out.


"Okay Sean! Excuse me boys," she says as she walks to the bathroom.

My face turns red of embarrassment and then Jerome starts giggling.
"Shut up" I muttered. We walked to my bed room and began setting up everything. He volunteered to write notes as I read facts from the Internet.

"I never knew we were going to be in my bedroom for a fucking assignment," I muttered as I scroll through pages.

"Me too but this is kind of fun you know?"

"Fun? Don't you have fun when hanging out with those assholes?" I reply.

"Yeah but they're not fun as much as you. They're only using me for popularity. You however, are different."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well you're alway quiet and not very social to others. But when you open up your cage, you seem like a good person. And that what makes you different from others. But everyone is different in their own unique way. And you sir are unique," he says. I blush and turned around to him.

"So are we friends or?" I ask in curiosity. I never intended for Jerome to be this nice. Hell I never intend for him to be happy with me in the first place.

"If you want, I mean I won't force you or anything."

"Okay I guess. Wanna do that friendship thing?"


This may be a start of a new life.

Heyo. It's Bradster in the house.
This is unedited because I'm really really lazy. So don't blame me for the typos or wrong use of words. I'm just really lazy and tired.
Also I have another book up which is kind of like a journal. It's about trans things happening in my life. It's called 'HE' and I would appreciate if you guys would check it out.

I have huge writer's block on this and my other story so just hang in there I'm probably going to write down ideas for the next chapter.

Love y'all so much <3333

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