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     LIFE IN THE Hall household was tense after the whole scene at the art gallery. William did decide to bring the painting of his wife back, it sat by the stairs under a sheet, he was still unwilling to look at it and did not know where to put it in his house where he would not see it but his family does. Thomas was usually out of the house, visiting Miss Thompson who had recovered from her mysterious illness, but when he was at home, he was usually looking at the painting of his mother. He had always been close to her, and when she passed, he was broken, for a long time. 

Ophelia did her best to try and keep the peace but family dinners were tense and barely anyone spoke unless it was about someone Ophelia may be willing to court. She often stayed with George, he too would look at the painting but wasn't as emotional as his older brother. He just stared at it, wishing in his head that she would just walk through the door. 

These days, the modern young lady must display a miscellany of talents in her quest to find a suitor. She must be a witty conversationalist, an accomplished musician, and expert in the art of the swoon. For managing to faint with nary a petticoat out of place is a most coveted talent indeed. Of course, not everyone has fallen victim to the royal fever sweeping through London Town. One diamond in particular seems quite immune making this author wonder if the crown had lost its luster.

But we cannot forget about the confusing scene that happened between the Hall family members, this author wonders if this family is breaking at the seems, under the rising pressure for Miss Ophelia Hall to marry her first season. 

Ophelia sighed and placed the scandal sheet down, she looked out the window into their garden. Fresh air seemed to be a good idea, the girl wandered outside and sat on the swing hanging from the tree. She gently swung herself, staring at the sky through the green leaves. It had been a few days since the girl had gone out to promenade or attend a ball. A sickness, she claimed, but in reality she could not face the embarrassment her brother had placed on the family with his outburst.

She heard that Prince Friedrich had seemingly decided on courting Cressida. It wasn't a perfect match but Ophelia had no say in the matter, it was up to the Prince for who he chooses to be his wife and up to the woman to decide if they want to marry him. This specific day had been the most boring day Ophelia had ever lived through

When the next day rolled around, Ophelia had a feeling someone was bound to visit. She changed into a light lilac dress just in time to see Lucy walk into the room.

"Miss Hall, Lord Hastings is here to speak to you."

"Simon?" Ophelia said in a questioning tone, leaving the room and heading downstairs as quick as she could.

Simon stood at the bottom of the stairs, a numb look on his face, he shuffled his feet until he heard Ophelia coming downstairs. 

"Simon? What are you doing here?" She asked, walking up to him. "I thought you were to meet with Daphne tod-"

The man cut her off. "I ended it."

Ophelia was taken back. "End-ended it? Why?"

He shook his head, as if confused by his own actions. "It was for the best. Daphne caught the attention of Prince Friedrich, she no longer needs me. I am to leave London in a few days time. 

"Simon." She said softly, taking his hands. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"I don't know what I want." He replied. "But I know that Daphne does not want me. She wants someone who will give her the life she wants, children, I can't do that for her."

She sighed, she did not like seeing her friends upset. "I know you'll be attending tonight's ball, I will join you."

He shook his head. "I do not want people to view you as my second option."

"They can view me as they please, but we know that I am here as a friend, Simon."

Much later, after Simon had left, Ophelia began to get ready with Lucy. Her family were quite shocked she had finally decided to attend a ball, even if it was in an attempt to cheer up a friend. The Hall girl decided to wear something quite different to the theme of the ball, she wore a dark grey dress, but with her usual crystal embroiders and jewels. She wore her hair down, something she often didn't do when leaving the home. 

When she arrived, she noticed that a lot of people where watching as she walked down the stairs, Phillip and William behind her as Thomas had arrived much earlier, having already asked Miss Thompson to dance. But she ignored them, the looks didn't last long as by the time she reached the bottom, their eyes were back at the top, looking at a very beautiful Daphne Bridgerton who donned a white dress and her family diamonds.

Ophelia glanced around, Simon and Friedrich were the most important eyes the girl noticed. The Prince headed to the bottom of the stairs, wanting to be the first to greet Daphne and to be the first to ask her to dance. 

"Miss Bridgerton, I simply must have your first dance." The Prince said.

"It would be an honour, Your Highness." Daphne responded. 

Suddenly the Bridgerton girl dropped the white feather fan she held in her hand. Prince Friedrich kneeled down, gently picking it up for her and handing it back. Daphne then handed it to Violet before taking to the floor, hand in hand with the Prince.

Could it be true? The seasons diamond even more precious and rare a stone than previously thought? For it now appears this treasure is set to join the likes of the Queen's ever-so-cherished crown jewels themselves. The Duke of Hastings, I hear, was left looking rather tongue-tied last night, as Miss Bridgerton seems to have finally grown tired of waiting for him to pose that all-important question. Or, perhaps, the young miss has simply traded up. Surprising? Quite. Unseasonable? Of course not. After all, why settle for a duke when one can have a prince?

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