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     A MARCH DOWN the aisle may very well be the longest walk any young lady ever takes. It does not simply cover the length of the church, but rather, countless floors for dancing, and meandering paths for every afternoon promenade too. It is a wonder, then, that feet do not tire, or, heaven forbid, trip under the scrutiny of all those attentive eyes keeping close watch, indeed.

Ophelia was allowed to join the Sharma's on their own traditions for the wedding, Edwina has been extremely grateful that she manged to convince Antony to continue the wedding. Of course, the young girl had no idea that it was at the cost of her own heart.

"You must calm yourself, Bon." Kate chuckled, as she and her mother spread turmeric over her arms. "Keep still."

"It is all so strange." Edwina defended. "I have faced a thousand tomorrows but they have all been leading to this one."

"Tomorrow is a day you have been preparing for your entire life, dearest. You are ready." Mary smiled.

The girl nodded. "I believe that to be true. But now that the Viscount has hastened things..."

Ophelia sighed softly, putting Edwina's hair into a plait. "Has it caused you doubts?"

"Bringing the wedding forward is a sign of true feeling, but, well, it has unnerved me too."

Mary shook her head, putting the turmeric on her daughters neck. "Rest assured, the Viscount adores you. He has devotedly courted you and made his intentions clear from our first arrival."

"I still wish that when he looks at me, I could be certain that he truly loves me. I fear, in fact, that he does not look at me often enough."

The three other women glanced at each other but Kate was the one to speak. "Looks can be powerful, Bon, but also fleeting. Displays of mere passion, perhaps. Nothing more."

"So the Viscount feels little passion for me?" She joked to her sister.

Kate laughed a long. "Of course not. What I mean to say is that true love is something else entirely. It is when the rest of the world goes quiet. It is not eyes than meet but souls that dance. Settle into each other. Make room for each other until there is no where else to hide."

Edwina reached her hand into the turmeric. "It is not also said, when spread on an unmarried person, haldi will help them find a worthy partner that makes the rest of the world quiet too?" She reached forward to put it on Kate's face. "Now, now. It is your turn to hold still."

Edwina then turned and placed it on Ophelia's cheek too. She chuckled softly and smiled. She did not know much about the Sharma's culture but she did know it was a beautiful one.

"I do wonder whether this blessing would be greater is the Viscount was here to participate as well." Edwina added.

Ophelia shook her head with a smile. "Oh, I am certain Lord Bridgerton has his own wedding traditions to perform."

The four young women began to laugh and play around with each other on Edwina's last night as an unmarried woman. Ophelia was happy for her, she really was but she still had a jealous feeling that she refused to acknowledge. 

Ophelia was soon stood in a light purple dress, to match Kate, and was watching Edwina get her last touches on her wedding dress. She looked beautiful. The girl played with her bracelet. It was a simple chain that she had found only days prior, it had belonged to her mother. Phillip, for some odd reason, had been looking for their mothers engagement ring and had found the bracelet with it.

The door opened and in walked a very happy looking maid. "It is time, my lady."

Mary stood, walking over to Kate and Edwina. The three held hands in a circle and Mary took a deep breath.

"Come. Let us put all of this nasty gossip behind us for once and for all. Let us give the ton a wedding to remember, and show them who we truly are."

Ophelia stood and walked out with them. She and Kate were the first ones out, beside Antony. Kate first and then Ophelia right behind her, as Edwina's bridesmaids. Ophelia could sense Antony's eyes on her but she ignored them as she bowed to the Queen and then took her spot beside Kate. The two glanced at each other but Ophelia ripped her eyes away. Then Edwina stepped out with her mother and made her way up the aisle, stopping to bow to the Queen before taking Antony's hand. 

"Miss Edwina, you look lovely." Antony smiled.

"Thank you, my lord. I am happy you are pleased." Edwina replied.

"Please be seated." The Archbishop spoke. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. And therefore, it is not be any to be enterprised, not taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly and wantonly, to satisfy men's carnal lusts and appetites, like brute beasts tat have no understanding but reverently, discreetly, advisedly..."

Ophelia glanced up from her shoes to see Antony watching her. She stared back at him for what seemed like an eternity before he pulled his eyes away. Then it seemed like he was in his own head, not noticing that the Archbishop was speaking to him.

"My lord. My lord."

Antony looked around confused, then he looked at Ophelia. Edwina furrowed her brows and looked back at her friend, wondering why Antony was looking at her. The girl simply stared forward, playing with the bracelet on her wrist in an attempt to make sure nothing slipped out.

"The Archbishop would like you to repeat, my lord, after him." Edwina explained, her mind racing slightly at the unspoken interaction between Antony and Ophelia.

"Yes, of course."

"I, Lord Antony Bridgerton..."

Ophelia felt the bracelet slip from her wrist and land on the back of Edwina's dress. She kneeled down to pick it up and so did Antony. He gently picked it up and placed it into her hand. The two stared at each other, as if they were the only people in the room. In the world. Everything was quiet and peaceful. The two stood up quickly.

"Might I continue?" The Archbishop said.

"My apologies." Both Ophelia and Antony spoke.

Something clicked for Edwina and her breathing became heavy. "I need a moment!"

The guests gasped as Edwina ran from the alter and away from Antony. Kate and Mary ran after her and after a moment, Ophelia joined them. She didn't know if it was a good idea or not but she had to try and explain everything.

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