1-star and taylor

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Meet Taylor and star a couple who seem happy on the outside when in reality they aren't happy, Taylor is a controlling and abusive man and star is his wife, he views her as his little maid saying she should do this and she should do that while he sits on his ass barking out his orders, now you may think why hasn't she left him yet? Well she was going to and then he threatened to kill her and her family which she didn't want so she stayed with him. This resulted in him killing her child, her baby.

Taylor smirked "you know you love me right star?" Star nodded shaking softly his hand was on her cheek causing her to tremble "yes...I know I love you too" they where in the living room. The floors where dark wood and the walls where painted white but the paint was chipping in some places showing the bleak, grey drywall. Star sat on the pitch black leather couch trembling "sit on my lap star" Taylor ordered pulling her onto his lap. Star looked terrified "I don't wanna sit on your lap..." she mumbled, this caused Taylor to get angry "Don't disobey me star." Taylor grabbed the vase smashing it over the poor woman's head. Star whimpered "stop please.." she begged sniffling softly looking at Taylor with pure genuine terror in her eyes "I'll do anything..." she winced pure pain showing in her voice which quivered. Taylor smirked softly "that's better" he looked at the rug which was white with some faded blood stains from where he nearly killed star at one point

Star came home wearing a new dress she got at the mall, it was white and short it had her shoulders showing and it was beautiful it made her confident and happy. She walked in her heels clicking on the wooden floors "look at the dress I bought today and- a new rug!" She put the rug down after moving the small coffee table.

Taylor didn't look happy "you look like a fucking hooker star" he grabbed her wrist causing her to whimper "I don't want you wearing slutty clothes okay!" He yelled. He threw her down onto the floor kicking her in the face "You never listen to me do you!" He yelled again, grabbing his dagger and slicing one of her fingers off it was her ring finger the blood dripping onto the carpet.

Star screamed but her mouth was quickly covered causing blood to smear onto the fluffy white rug.

Star sighed shakily "I'm sorry.." she sniffled giving in and sitting on his lap in the end. Taylor smirked "you know I adore you right?" Star nodded softly looking down "would you clean the whole house for me star?"

Star sighed "fine" she walked into the kitchen to clean just like Taylor desired.

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