The grand reunion

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George was in his home in the Kinoko Kingdom attending to some duties in the nation; As if lately George had been rather worried about the thought of Dream coming to visit him in Kinoko. Especially since he was practically alone making him an easy target for Dream.

Sometime after George finishes his duties he hears a noise coming from the boundaries of Kinoko; However when he looks he sees no sign of Dream being there, so he shrugs it off as Anxiety and simply goes into his home to clean up a small mess he'd left inside.

Dream had reached Kinoko Kingdom after a few interactions with Tommy and Sapnap; Other than those interactions Dream kept a rather low profile making it pretty hard to find him or track him down.

Dream slowly made his way to George's house making sure to avoid being in an open area so he wouldn't get found any easier; Once he reached George's home he waited for the perfect opportunity to enter and get George to join him in hiding; After all, George was Dreams, king.

Once George finished cleaning the small mess previously mentioned he noticed Dream's 6'3 figure standing at the window, watching him as if waiting for the perfect moment to strike. George quickly ran to grab his phone; However, Dream had other plans and quickly broke the window then jumped inside and roughly yanked George back, Quickly pulling out a sharp pocket knife and putting it to George's throat.

[End Chapter]
Sorry, this is all I have in my head for now but I will update it when I can and feel like doing so.

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