The Unfortunate Visit

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Dream was holding a hatchet in hand as he watched George struggle in the chair he was tied up in. Dream couldn't help but laugh as he watched George plead and cry for his mercy but Dream had no mercy for his 'pray'.

George watched as Dream walked closer with the hatchet in hand. Once he saw Dream beginning to aim the hatchet at his neck was when he started to realize there was no point in begging for Dream's mercy anymore so he silenced himself.

George felt the salty tears of fear rolling down his cheeks as he waited for his inevitable fate to arrive.

With a quick swing to Georges, neck Dream watched as George's blood came out like a waterfall, and with another few quick swings, George's head rolled to the floor covered in his blood.

After the second swing to his neck, George had died and George was in his limbo now he was almost happy to be there and away from that unhinged deranged psychotic yandere of a man called Dream.

While George was in his limbo he'd had a visit with Dream XD before Dream eventually revived George to George's dismay.

After George woke up he looked at Dream who was now atop him holding a knife to his neck. George felt a sense of fear as he listened to the stomach-twisting words that came out of Dream's mouth next.

"Will you obey me now or do I have to kill you in a more painful slow way to get it through your head that I am in charge here?" Dream said in an extremely twisted unhinged tone

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