Chapter 1: Doubt

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The town of happy tree friends was full of happiness. Everyone was enjoying their day in different parts of the town. The sun was shining brightly over the houses and stores warmly. Everyone but a particular green bear was out. The bear in question was still sleeping soundly in his warm bed. The sun tried with all its might to wake the bear, but, to no avail, it failed. 

The bear known as flippy only pulled the blanket further over his head. Flippy's house was still except for his loud snoring. Luckily he lived alone or someone would have snapped. The green bear had curled in on himself while covering his head with his white pillow. Sounds of discomfort were heard as he grabbed his pillow tightly. 

A knock on his front door woke him up quickly. Flippy shot up, his eyes wide with panic. A reversal from his front door alerted him. Flippy pushed the alarm down and pulled himself out of bed. The feeling of the wooden floor beneath his feet reminded him of the person at his door.

Flippy made sure he looked okay before he bolted over to the door. He went to grab the door only to pause. No one really visited him anymore, not after what he did. 

Who was at his door then?

A somewhat familiar voice called through the door. "Flippy? Are you there?" It was Pop. The other bear was kind to him every time he saw him. Even if he panicked or snapped at the older bear. Pop still offered a polite smile that didn't hide any worry. He didn't shy away from the veteran bear as the rest did.

Flippy pulled the door open tiredly. His yellow eyes quickly shut tight as sunlight poured through the doorway. It felt like the sun was trying to blind him. "Flippy! You look...well?" Pop sounded like he was avoiding something else. The veteran bear opened his eyes again. Pop looked taken back, by what the green bear didn't know.

"Pops? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your son?" He didn't know anyone in this town enough anymore. He thought he did, only to have the crushing realization hit him hard. Everyone was putting on a false smile so he would leave them alone. Flaky was panicked every time he talked to her. Cuddles just faked a smile only to sigh in relief when he left. 

Lumpy had panicked and hit him with a metal pipe. His head still throbbed and his vision still blurred at times. Everyone just faked it all, He thought sadly. They could have just said it. Sniffles could have at least helped him after the head injury. A cry left him as Pop lightly touched the side of his head. His face snarled up as he pulled away.

Pop frowned at this. "Is your head worse?" The amount of fatherly concern made Flippy feel bad for snarling. The brown bear froze as he noticed something. His eyes showed nothing but worry. "Can I come in for a moment?" Flippy moved to the side to let him in. The father walked in as Flippy closed the door behind him. 

"Now why didn't you get that checked?" Pop questioned. His tone was low but high with worry. Flippy almost didn't remember what the other was asking until his head was pulled forward. That was a painful reminder of what the other was referring to. "Aghh! That huurrtss..." He tried to pull his head away. 

"No. The wound still has blood on it! Didn't you at least try to clean it?" Flippy hissed as the other lightly felt it. His hands felt too hot. Pop looked closer at the wound as Flippy stared at the floor. His eyes felt strained as the throbbing came back. He winced as the other moved his head slightly. 

It felt like his head was full of water. Full of swirling water that bubbled and foamed up like alcohol. 

"Are you hurting right now?" Flippy was about to answer when a sound caught his attention. A woodpecker was outside, drilling away at one of the many tall trees. The normally loud sound almost echoed in his flattening ears.*Rap* The noise made him pull his gaze to the window. 

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