Each of us has a dream of reaching the red carpet to be shiny and glamorous in front of society and the world. To have a special status, but it differs from being a word in the eyes or in the hearts.
Access to the red carpet in light of technological development and the narrow distance between the world in the arrival of information and the development of the human mind and the ideology of intellectual dealing may be simple in shape, but it is huge in size as it does not require talents, for example, to be a person who has a talent in writing, but the majority of the people in it do not like to pay attention to writing, but they like to leave the text in many cases, so we see that the one with real talent 1% of those who achieve access, just like the real world, a very small percentage who control the world and a slightly higher percentage of understanding what is going on and try to awaken the vast majority that You live in illusion
Reaching the red carpet does not mean reaching art, but it means many things and ambition, such as reaching love may be dreaming or reaching the pleasure of sex is dreaming, reaching money and fame, or reaching judgment and controlling human beings.
Yes, my friend, the red carpet varies from person to person, each person according to talent, sophistication and childhood dream.
Do you know what your dream is, my friend?
Let me know if you dream of the red carpet, not your ambitions.