Just this once

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A/N: This story has cursing and Sexual content and much more... if you are NOT comfortable with this type of stuff, please leave this story and find one suitable for you... Thank you 

~Past 2 months ago~

 "You're fired!"Go pack up your stuff and leave," the boss says without any explanation. "Wait, why, sir?"I really need this job. Please don't fire me," she pleaded. "It's too late. I have already decided to leave this office." the boss says. "Haha, sir, this is a nice joke," she laughed nervously until she realized he was serious. "Erm...oh..y-yes sir, I'll be going right now," she says as tears roll down her face. "How will I pay for my mom's medicine now?" she says, wiping her tears away.  


She walks inside, feeling awful for losing her job for no reason. "Should I tell my mom now or later," she pondered. "Ary?"Are you home?" her mom called. "Y-Yes mom, I'm home," she said, walking to her mother's bedroom. "Oh honey, I'm happy that you're home. Now, how was work today?" she asked in a soft, raspy, sick voice. Ary put her head down, "M-mom, I lost my job.." she said in a quavering tone. The mother was stunned by the comment. "I-I'm very sorry, mom. I really did my hardest, and I don't know why I was fired," Ary cried in her mother's arms. He fired you for no reason?! She questioned. 

 "Y-yes and and-" "Aww baby, it's ok. Just try looking for another job. We will need it for the bill -" the mother coughs badly, and then she takes a sip of water. "Y-you will need the money for the bills," she said weakly. "I will find a better job so I can take care of the bills and your medicine. Don't worry mom", Ary says with confidence. 


Ary, it's been almost 3 weeks, and you still didn't find a job," Mom said. "I know, mom, but I tried seven jobs already, and they all declined me," sobs. "Good, I got her medicine last week, so I don't have to worry about that for a few days," Ary thinks. Mom, I'll go try again later today with Nova. "Alright honey, be safe for me," mom said. "Don't worry so much, okay?" she said with a soft smile before grabbing her keys and walking out. She walks to the car and drives off, listening to her favorite singer. Her phone starts to ring, and she answers it on the car wheel. "Wassup Nova" "Girl, the love of your life Shoto Todoroki just put out an album about 5 minutes ago."

"You are so late. I've been listening to that album since yesterday, and I got an early release."I should have known that," Nova laughs. "Whatever," Ary laughs, "Oh also you don't mind helping me find a job. I need one ASAP," I asked while driving to Nova's house. "Of course, girl, I'm always willing to help you no matter what." "Thanks, bestie. I appreciated it a lot."But~," Nova said in a mischievous tone. I know that tone the answer is no." "What.. girl- you've been so busy trying to find a job for the longest that, you never have time to hang out with your bestie."Please just do this once. Let's go to a club or something."Just this once..." Ary sighs and agrees to go with her.

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