Fruit Loops

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"Wake up Clay get real for school i'm driving you today"  Clays mom yelled
"ugh great i have to get out of bed" Clay said to himself
"Hey Alexa play Lana Del Rey" Clay yelled
"playing Lana Del Rey" alexa said
Clay started to make his bed and head to the bathroom in his bedroom to shower and do his makeup.
"clay what do you want for breakfast" clays mom yelled
"i will get it go to work your going to be late,i will take a uber to school" clay replied
Clay have just moved to California cause of his dad's job, he enjoys the warm weather and just overall how it feels in California. he hears the waves crash cause he live right near a beach he hears groups of people late at night walking around.
Clay got out of the shower got dressed, he was wearing light brown pants and a sweater vest and glcc cvs platform's.
Ding "new message from Seth" the voice system on the phone said
Clay picked up his phone and saw that Seth texted him if he needed a ride to school cause he was not taking the train. Clay replied with sure and what time would you be at his house Seth answered the question and then clay went to go eat breakfast.
"fuck we only have fruit loops" clay said to himself
Clay just deals with only having fruit loops and just ate them while looking through his friends story's on snapchat.
Seth honked the horn on his car and Clay ran out of the house. Clay entered the car and saw seth grinning (🙂). Clay smiled back and seth started to drive to school.
"so how was the homework" Seth asked
"it wasn't that bad it was a little annoying how he gave so much like a little at a time would be better but i got it done" clay replied
"oh that's good" seth said
they both sat there in silence with the radio on listening to todays greatest hits and all of a sudden heat waves by glass animals comes on the radio amd seth just starts laughing so hard and clay just stared at him.
"Seth are you ok" clay asked
"mhm i'm fine" seth answered while laughing
"oh" clay noticed how the song was on the radio and clay started to blush and asked seth
"your laughing cause of the song"
they arrived at school and met up with jules and talked about how there morning was they all went to their first three periods and then met up again at lunch and discussed how there is going to be a huge party on friday after the homecoming game and it's going to be apparently "wild"
"yea all the grays and jocks are supposed to be there literally throwing up" jules said
"lol this is like my 15 party" seth said
"have you been to party's at your old home Clay?" jules asked
"no this is my first one, in main there were no parties everyone just met up on a beach and just talked with like some campfire side story's i don't remember" clay answered
"that seems ok" seth and jules said
the bell rang and seth and clay both walked the schools halls together walking each other to their class talking about schools and about themselves and a lot more.
it was last period again and clay and seth both sat in the back, seth has still teaching clay about what he had to catch up on.
"seth" clay asked
"um yea" seth answered
"what goes on at the parties in california" clay asked quietly
"there usually at on of the rich jocks house or at the frats houses but there not that wild as what jules said" seth said
"is there any things like a pool or something"clay asked
"the party that's coming up this friday definitely has a pool cause lots of the rich jocks have pools in the back of there house and the pretty big pools lol you swim"? seth said
"no i don't swim i was just wondering cause it's supposed to be like hot out that day" clay replied
"oh ok do you need a ride home?" seth asked
"no my moms driving me home but thanks" clay answered

the bell rang and seth and clay went different ways so they were not close to talk but they were texting each other on there ways home.
when seth got home he dose what he almost dose everyday open up a monster put on a movie and cuddle with his dog and probably fall asleep to the movie also.
Clay on the other hand gets home finishes his school work eat some food go on a walk on the beach and watch a movie while falling asleep he also got his outfit out for the next day.

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