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Clay woke up and got ready as if it was a normal day. Clay wore baggy ripped jeans they were ripped from his thighs to his lower legs and he decided to wear a white crop top with daisies stitched on to it he put on his platform white dock martens. it was warm out he felt the warm air rush through the room.
Seth woke up late and got ready super fast. he wore baggy black cargo pants and a nirvana shirt and put on his doc martens his platform ones of course. Seth left his room and was greeted by his dog wagging his tail standing right by the food bowl. Seth fed his dog and put a few of some of his favorite dog-safe fruits in the dog's breakfast.
Seth grabbed his keys and his tote bag since he did not have that many books to bring to school.

(the next section will be a texting section Clay's Texts are in bold and Seth's texts are not in bold)
hey, Seth just wondering if you are still
going to the party also are we going to Starbucks before the game.
hey, clay, yea I'm going to the party and also we can go to Starbucks see you at school :)
ok bye :)
(texting section ends)

Seth drives to Jules's house and picks her up and drives her to school since she did not have a ride.

"you were about to kiss clay on Thursday," Jules said
"How the fuck do you know that" Seth yelled
"clay told me cause I asked him why the car ride was so quiet," Jules said while scrolling on Instagram
"oh," Seth said quietly.
Seth puts on the podcast that he listens to and just drove to school with Jules on a phone call talking to her classmates about the school play.

They arrived at school and everyone in the school was talking about how the party is going to be "lit"
they said how it's at me of the jock's house and how his house is huge with a basketball court, a pool and overall his house is nice.
Clay came up behind Seth. Clay saw Seth's eyes and smiled.
"hey clay," Seth said
"Hi Seth are you excited about the party it's my first one going to explode I'm so excited" clay said
"The parties aren't that big part they are nice there going to be alcohol drugs and just a bunch of messed up shit but it's enjoyable I guess," Seth said
Clay and Seth continued walking down the hall. Clay dropped off Seth at his class and went to his. the first three periods went well Seth and clay met up after 1-3 periods and went to the lunchroom with Jules.
"Hey guys, I have good news"
"what," Seth and clay said
"I'm able to go to the party," Jules said in excitement
"yes you can come to Starbucks with us after school before the game," Clay said
"Also I need to run home before we go to Starbucks cause I need to change my outfit," Jules said
"Jules you live right by the Starbucks me and clay could order your drink and stuff and then we can wait for you to get back," Seth said while eating his salad
"seems like a good idea" clay and Jules said
They all continued with their day after lunch. Clay walked in a lot during his 6th period and sat down.
"did you hear," a jock said behind clay (jocks
name Andrew)
"what," Andrews's friend said
"the party is going to have like tons of people apparently," Andrew said
"duh, it's the first part of the year there going to be alcohol drugs and shit" Andrews's friend replied.
Clay sat in shock. He didn't know how the party is going to go. is he going to get wrapped up in the drugs or alcohol, or is she going to finally kiss Seth is he going to blackout from the alcohol or something.
Clay was nervous but then the bell rang and clay ran out of the class and met up with Seth and hugged him.
"Woah what's this for," Seth said while looking down at Clay's head against his body.
"nothing. just please stick with me at the party" clay said while crying softly.
"sure thing," Seth said while wrapping his arms around clay.
They walked to their seventh period and sat right next to each other and did their work and talked about how the party and the plan for before and after the homecoming game.
(this section is a texting section. jules texts are in Bold. seth's texts are not in bold)
What's up to
nothing just sitting with Clay how about you.
cute. I was just wondering if you and clay are going to finally get together.
jules please don't push it. it's slowly getting to the point where we both admit to being a couple.
ok, sorry for being pushy, see you soon :D
alright by Jules
(texting section ends)
"That was a lot of texting," clay said to Seth
"yea it was just Jules wondering how I was," Seth said
"ok" clay said
"class is dismissed remember the homecoming game is later after school you all should know the time" the teacher yelled
Clay and Seth left class holding hands and met up with Jules and went to Seth's car Seth drove Jules and clay to Starbucks.
"aww, cute you two holding hands," Jules said while laughing and chewing gum.
seth flipped if Jules and clay laughed.
"ok Jules what do you want at Starbucks I'll order it while you walk to your house to get changed," Seth asked.
"can you just get me a mango dragon fruit refresher," Jules said
"can I have a mango dragon fruit refresher also," clay said
"so we are all getting the same drink," Seth said
"I guess," clay said while laughing quietly
Seth ordered the drink with clay right by his side. They both went to a table and sat down and just waited for their drinks.
"fuck it," clay said in his head
"Seth I need to tell you something" clay said
"mhm what," Seth said
"shit" clay said in his head
"did you get lemonade in my drink" clay said
"Uhm I think so," Seth said.
Seth picked up the drinks and saw Jules outside and told clay to follow him and they went to Seth's and just relaxed there since the Starbucks was packed.
Jules changed into Max platforms fishnets and short black jean shorts with an oversized shirt with holes scattered around it.
"Nice outfit," Clay said to Jules
"what about my outfit," Seth said
"your outfit is amazing," clay said with his hands on Seth's hands.
"shit the game starts in 15 minutes," Seth said
"then drive you fucking asshole," Jules said laughing.
Seth stepped on the gas pedal and drove as fast as he can to the game so they can get a good spot.
they arrived at the high school ran to the field they were playing at and got a seat for three of them as fast as they can. of course, Seth and clay were running while holding hands. Jules is already in front of them pushing through people.
"We got here just in time," Jules said in an exhausted voice
"yep," Seth and clay said
"welcome all to the 2022 homecoming game," the announcer said.
the game started and it was a long game. the game started around 4:30 and ended at 5:50 they went into overtime and it was wild when the home team won. everyone ran onto the field and cheered. of course, Seth and clay held hands while running towards the big crowd of everyone pulling up on the football team.

everyone left and went to their cars driving towards where the party was(Danny's house)
Seth and Jules also clay arrived and went straight in.
"This is a fucking mess" clay said
"oh, and there goes Jules straight to the alcohol, how much do you want to bet that she's going to be doing at least 3 different types of drugs tonight," Seth said
"I don't know," clay said
the party was wild. people making out on couches loud music alcohol and drugs, e-cigarettes and so much messed up shit.
"fuck" Seth said
Seth lost clay in this madness. Clay was trying wax for the first time and got high, very high. Clay's vision got messed up fast. his body absorbed all of the drugs and knowing that clay gets high and drunk very fast from only just a little bit of the substance was affecting him a lot. he snatched a vape off a table and hit it about 15 times
"clay" Seth yelled
"CLAY" Seth yelled again
clay fell on the floor hardly being able to see and felt like he was on another planet, his brain was fucking somewhere else while the clay was just laying down high as fuck hallucinating random shit.
"fuck" Seth said
Seth ran over to clay, picking him up and carrying him over to the back of the house where it was quiet but still lots of people. Seth rested Clay down on a chair by the pool. and got him water and stayed with him trying his hardest to cool him down because Clay looked like he was steaming hot. "I'm going to go get another glass of water and some bandaids you have some scars on your arms and legs stay right here I will be right back," Seth said to Clay

Clay got up from his seat and walked over to the pool. When Clay was walking he could not walk in a straight line and almost collapse for the second time. "fuck, fuck, fuck" Seth said while staring at clay near the pool.

He dropped the bandaids and the glass of water and ran as fast as he could pushing through people. Clay fell into the pool not knowing what he was doing he went towards the wall of the pool and held on to it. "CLAY" Seth shouted Clay looked forward and saw Seth rushing over to him. Seth sat down and started talking to clay "Clay I said for you to stay on the chair and not to get up " Seth said "sorry Seth" clay said in a slurred voice. "can you come in the pool" clay asked very softly. "I can right now I don't have a bathing suit," Seth said "can you help me out then, " clay asked "sure," Seth said Seth grabbed clays hands and Clay pulled him under the pool and also himself under the pool.

There they were. just under the water staring at each other but holding hands. clay pulled Seth towards him. Seth knew what was happening. "I love you," clay said underwater it was very muffled and Seth heard it just well. seth grabbed Clay's head and pulled it closer to his. Seth and Clay kissed. they stayed under the water for at least ten seconds just holding on to each other casually kissing underwater. they got back to the surface and swam towards floaties floating on the water that was empty many of the floaties had people on them relaxing or just high and trying to calm down. "I will get on the floatie first then I will lift you onto it ok, don't pull me back in the water this time," Seth said to clay. Seth got up onto the float and pulled Clay up resting clay right next to him putting his arm around Clay making him more comfortable. "thank you for helping me Seth" clay said quietly. " yea you almost drowned so I rushed over" Seth said. "do you want to go back to my pace to get out of these wet clothes and put on something dry and warm." Seth asked clay " sure that will be great," Clay said. they moved the float towards the stairs and left the party and drove to Seth's apartment. Seth talked to clay about how some of the parties that he attends are going to be more intense than the party he was just at. Clay responded quietly with ok and told Seth thank you a thousand times the whole car ride home. clay stated how he has never met seths dog and never been inside his apartment. Seth said that he's never been at his house before.

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