the story starts with a stream on youtube going up, being streamed by none other than mayhem. viewers join the stream to see mayhem in a fairly empty street, phone-in-hand, with her shouting in the screechiest voice; "HEYYYYYYY GUYS TODAY WE'RE GOING TO DO THE CLASSIC MAYHEM PIE PRANK AGAIN!!!! RIGHT NOW I'VE GOT A PIE READY..." mayhem lifts up a pie in her other hand to show the viewers. "...AND WE'RE GONNA DO THE USUAALLLLL.... THE FIRST PERSON WE SEE IS OUR NEXT VICTIM!!!! HUEHEHUGUHGUEHUHAGUHEUHUHUHEGHHH!!!"
mayhem begins to walk up and down the street, shaking the camera with every step she takes. "okAYY GUYSS... TELL ME.... WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE WAY TOO HAVE EGGS!!??" she asks to her fans. responses start pouring into the chat faster than speedcore. mayhem then begins to read the messages and responding, "SCRAMBLED...?!??? YEAAHHH THAT'S SOO TRUEE... NOT THE BEST HONESTLLYYY BUT LIIIKE..... I AGREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!.... AND FRIED... SUNNY SIDE UP MOSTLY, YOU GUYS SEEM TO SAY THAT ONE A LOT....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THINK THOSE ARE COOL. BUT NOT AS COOL AS RAW EGGS WITH THE SHELLS INCLUDED... THAT'S THE SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT RIGHT THEEERE!!-" before mayhem could continue her screaming, she feels a tap on her shoulder from behind her. looking back, she find out it was rotteen. she asks, "mind keeping it dow-" but before mayhem processes this, and before rotteen finishes, mayhem throws the pie at rotteen's face as hard as she could. "AYE WHAT THE HELL, DUDE???!???!" the cat exclaims as she stumbles back a bit with mayhem laughing out a long "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
mayhem then default dances, whips and nae-naes, does the gangam style and the gmod dances all at the same time, while rotteen disintegrates and turns into rice krispies cereal.
the end
mayhem OWNS rotteen so epicly
Randommayhem does a little trolling.... why did people let me onto this site