Requested Cine

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Dream woke up in sapnaps bed he looked over the bed and sapnap was not there then he hear cracking sound coming from the bathroom it was sapnap who opened the door dream blushed upon seeing sapnap naked and only his towel is covering his lower body part sapnap noticed dream staring at him "like what you seeing dream?" sapnap smirked dream looked away as he was preparing to leave but sapnap pinned him down on the bed "ah...wha- sapnap what are you doing let go" dream said as he struggled to get out from sapnaps grips " about no" sapnap whispered on dreams ear sending shivers down dreams spine they both staring in silence then sapnap is slowly moving closer to dream they can feel each others lips touching sapnap ask for an entrance  but dream denied it sapnap in the other hand didn't like it so he find another way he grabbed dreams member making dream moan "" sapnap took the chance and kissed dream deep sapnaps tongue is now dreams mouth exploring inside as he was he  slowly pulling down dreams pants showing his hard member "nhg~ sapnap stop ah~" dream moan as sapnap is jerking dreams member up and down "ah~ wait sapnap I'm gonna-" "go for it dream" "aah~ mhn~ ahh~~" dream releases his sperms on sapnaps hand "you did a good job dream" sapnap kiss dream on his forehead "and now for the main course" "wha- aAhhNg~~" dream moan loudly as sapnap thrustingdeep inside dream "ah~hyaa~ahh~sapnap wait ah~ slow down" dream moan as sapnap continues to thrust inside of dream "I'm going to cum inside you now dream" sapnap said hugging dream as he continues to slams in dream "ah~wait not inside sto- Ahhh!!!~~" dream cummed  as sapnap  realises his sperms inside dream sapnap pulled out sapnaps sperms leaks down out dream ass after sapnap  cleaned the both of them and calm down they rest beside each other

{hello this chapter has been requested by one of my little kitten @momo_maka I hope you liked it I try my best to write it and also this extra cine those not included in the next chapter this is only a requested chapter you can also request anything like this one on a deferent ship also...and hope you like the chapter bye my little kitten}

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