First day pt. 2

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I had to make sure to text my granny that I had to stay after school. I didn't tell her about the detention part though. A minute or so after I get there, the boy from earlier walks in with his write up and gives it to the coach hosting detention. We make eye contact and he comes to sit by me.

"Whatchu in here for" he asks.

"Being late to class."

"Because of me?"

"Well, it's not because of you. If I was at my own locker in the first place this wouldn't have happened." I said.

"Aye, i'm real sorry you got written up. I feel like it was my fault." He said.

"It's no big deal, foreal. I don't know, i'm kinda glad I don't gotta go home right after school."

"Good girl huh?" He said. I kinda don't care for being called a good girl. I am but like—I just don't like the term.

"More like sheltered girl, but I guess." I said.

"I like that though."

"Don't like it too much, because I don't like bad boys" I say. I was kinda beginning to see him for who he was.

"Who said I was a bad boy?"

"Everything about you kinda screams it."

His jewelry, his eyes, the way he talks. I'm tryna stay away. Been there, done that. Plus, after the last time, my granny wouldn't let me date no one like him anyway. I think he's cute but I might as well forget it.

"I wouldn't say i'm bad though."

"And I wouldn't say i'm good." I said back.

"Okay so why don't we just wipe the slate and not assume anything about each other and just get to know one another." He responded.

Aw shh, here we go again.

"Fine" i said.

"Damn thats all I get?" He said laughing.

I smiled for the first time and we just talked.

I texted my granny to let her know she can get me now.

"You need a ride?" he asks.

"Nah I get picked up, but thanks."

"Alright bet." He hops in his car and is on his way. My gran comes about 5 mins after.

"So what was so important that you had to stay after school?" She asked.

"Oh um, I just wanted to get my homework done. Sometimes I can't concentrate at home, because all my stuff in there. You know, tv, laptop, food." I answer.

We finished talking as we drove home.

Next day at school:
My outfit:

I made it to class on time today of course

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I made it to class on time today of course. I had a small breakfast so I couldn't wait for lunch. We didn't have lunch yesterday since it was a half day. I check my schedule and I see I have A lunch. Good for me because I get hungry quick.

When lunchtime comes around I washed my hands then headed to the lunchroom. I don't know how kids go to lunch without washing their hands first. There's a pizza line, salad line, and a sand-which or burger line. I decide to go with pizza. The pizza here was pretty good. I didn't get there too late so I was only in line for like 5 mins.

I go to the seniors lunch table my friends and I usually be at. Guess who I see already there.

"Wassup shorty" the guy from yesterday says.

"You are too much" Kelsey says giggly. Kelsey is my friend since 8th grade...

"Wassup" I say back kinda laughing.

"You get in trouble for getting detention yesterday" I say smartly.

"Nah I live with my homies" he said laughing. "I know yo ass got in trouble though."

"No I didn't because I didn't tell."

"Oh my bad I guess I misjudged you." He said.

"I though you said we was gonna begin fresh anyway. No assumptions." I said.

"You right.." he says with a look in his eyes.

A look that made Kelsey have a look of her own.

"How y'all know each other" Kelsey asks.

"We met yesterday." I said.

"Girl whatchu mean I met you yesterday too." He said to Kelsey.

She on him like lint.

The bell rings and everyone begins going to their next class.

"What's your name anyway?" I ask.

"You can call me Kay, everyone does. What's yours"

"I'm Alana"

"That's a nice name." He said.

"Thank you." With that we part ways.

In 6th hour my gran text me saying she was in the shop with her car and told me to see if I could get a ride home from a friend. My friends don't have cars though. So I don't know what I can do but wait. When 6th hour was over I went to my locker then just talked to some friends around school, then just stood by the exit on my phone after a while.

"You good?" Kay asks.

"Oh yeah, just waiting on my ride. My granny having car trouble." I said.

"She alright though?"

"Yeah she is."

"Why don't you let me just give you a ride then?" Kay asked.

"It's okay, I'm really not supposed to have boys in the house."

"You need to get home. Just let me take you. It's better than walking. I'm not letting you walk." He said.

"Well okay, she did say I could get a ride from a friend." We proceed to leave the school and he opens my door for me. It was a fun ride home, he even got me snacks from the gas station.

"Thanks for the ride home. I wish I knew how to drive."

"I can definitely teach you." He said.

"Thats lit, thanks. You wanna come in, I'm not about to eat all this myself." I asked him totally forgetting the rules.

"Yeah fasho." He said with a slight smile.

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