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Avery's POV

The rest of the day passed by quickly, me only going to lessons and hanging out with my friend group for the rest of the day. Anything to distract myself from Walker. The end of the day came quicker than I expected, and the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends and head to my first ever rehearsal.
My mum drove me there, silence filled the car. I sat in the front seat, re-reading my script multiple times, mouthing the words whenever I read them. My strategy for remembering them was simple, read it 3 times, say it 3 times, repeat 3 times. I used that method throughout all revision I had done since the beginning of secrondary school, it was very efficient and it meant that I didn't have to do as much writing as others did to revise. The silence continued for another 15 minutes until my mum decided to break it.
"So sweetie, are you nervous at all? Or are you excited?" My mum said, looking straight ahead at the road. I looked up from my script.
"A bit if both if I being honest mum. I'm nervous because it's my first rehearsal and the thought that they can replace me any minute is always in the back of my mind, however I'm really excited because THE Ryan Reynolds is going to be there, plus THE Zoe Saldana PLUS THE Mark Ruffalo. Not to forget that this is my first ever movie and it could be a massive breakthrough for me or it could be a massive failure but I'm sure it won't be." My mum chuckled beside me.
"I'm sure your going to be fine, all your nerves will go away as soon as you arrive there. I promise. I've seen you rehearse, your amazing sweetie, never forget that." She smiled at me and put her hand on my knee comforting me, gently stroking it for a minute until she had to change gear in the car.
The drive was short but it felt longer. Soon enough, we arrived.
I sat in the car a few minutes longer after my mam got out in order to gather my thoughts and calm myself down.
'Okay Avery, you got this.' I told myself. 'Your going to be okay.' I mumbled to myself. I stepped out the car, and took a deep breath in. I've got this.

I walked to the huge building, my mum by my side. The building was big, flooded by multiple busy bodies running around talking on their walkie talkies to their co-workers. "We need that set for Sandra please" one was saying. Multiple people around me kept heading to the same place which i assumed was the building that I was ment to be going to. "Excuse me." My mum said to one of the assistants "Avery is my daughter and she's she's the role of Harley and we were wondering where we are supposed to be" My mum explained.
"Sure" the man said "you just go straight ahead, turn left and it should be on your right."
"That's great thank you" My mum said smiling before walking towards the directions. A few turns later and we arrive at the room.

Standing outside, I can hear muffled voices of who I'm assuming is the poeple I'm going to be working with.

I knock on the door.
"Come in" someone says.


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