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In the city of Tokyo's a boy that thirteen years old wearing a red leather jacket with a black shirt under it and jeans with brown cowboy boots the boy has red hair with white eyes now you would think that he would be blind but he isn't, it's a genetic trait that he inherited from his grandfather from his mom side of the family, his name is Mike Lance and right now he's trying to get use of Tokyo do to his dad being in the military he was stationed in Tokyo and so Mike and his mom moved with his dad and he just started his first day at school and then after 7 hours of school, he was on his way home from school when all of a sudden cards started falling out of the sky!

Mike: What the?

As the cards fall to the ground Mike see's other kids picking up cards and some of them flashing and a small colored ball to appear in their hands and some kid and other threw down cards and the small ball's pop open and they turn into creatures! But everything else except for the other kids and Mike was frozen. And after the kids had some sort of battle time went back to normal and all the kids who saw the fight ran around grabbing cards as well, Mike decided to do the same, he looked down at the ground and saw a card laying perfectly at his feet, he picked it up and turn the face towards him when he saw the multiple color elements and then suddenly the card lit up and 6 color beams shot into Mike chest and then vanished.

Mike:(pats his chest) What the? What was that?

After getting over the feeling about what happen he walked around and kept getting the same card over and over until he had a lot in his back pack and after that he went home. When he got home and enter the living room where the was a women that's in her late twenties with brown hair and green eyes wearing a plain white shirt and grey sweat pants and she was laying her head against a man in his early thirties with red hair with black eyes and a red goatee and wearing a black shirt with Talladega Nights with the cover of the movie's protagonist and his car on the front and wearing black sweat pants and they we're watching M*A*S*H but at the sound of a door closing, they pause their show and turn to see their son, these people are Jonathan and Margaret Lance, Mike's parents.

Jonathan: Hey kiddo, how's was school?

Mike:(puts his bag next to the stairs and walks over to the couch and sits in between his parents) it was ok, just got to get use to the language is all...are you sure this is the last time where moving?

Jonathan:(hugs his son) Of course kiddo, I told my CO that this is my last move, so don't worry son you can friends.

Margaret: And you can still date Maxine~.

Mike:(blushes) MOM!!!!

Mike parents laugh at him and they after that the watch a few mor episodes of M*A*S*H and then went to bed.

Tomorrow morning.

Mike wakes up in his bed and rubs the sleep from his eyes and looks around his room but something on his night stand caught his attention.

Mike: What the? I don't remember leaving a card on my nightstand much less than using a gate card! Where did you six come from?

On the card where six balls with one being red and dark orange, the second one was black and purple, the third on was white and gold, fourth one light blue and dark blue, fifth one was brown and light orange, and the sixth one was light green and dark green. Where all sitting on the card and then the next thing that Mike saw was that all six of them pop open and where looking at Mike.

Mike:....Uh, hi?

The light green and dark then spoke!

???: Hi there!

Mike:(wide eyed) YOU CAN TALK?

The red one float la up to Mike's face and he just backs up to the wall.

???: Yes, we can talk, and please keep your voice down! We don't want your parents to know about us!  We are Bakugan and my name is Leonidas,(points at at the others) these are Hades,Lars Lion,Robotallion,Fortress, and final Sirenoid.

Hades: Hello.

Lars Lion: Greeting young man.

Robotallion: Pleasure to met you.

Fortress: Hi.

Sirenoid: Hi again!

Mike:(waves) what do you want from me?

Leonidas: Well first we need your help, a Bakugan by the name of Naga is forcing Vestroia and Earth to merge and he's going to make himself the entire universe, and second we here to help you.

Mike: Me?

Fortress: Yes you, when you picked up this card, it glowed and shot 6 the colors that make up the elements and into your chest right?

Mike: Ya what's that got to do with anything?

Lars Lion: Mike, this card gave you all the ability's of every Bakugan on earth.

Mike: Wait I got super powers! That's awesome!

Hades:(chuckles) Yes that indeed sounds awesome but we 6 are going to teach you how to use your powers and also we need your help to stop Naga and his minions from ruling over your home.

Mike: Wait what about your home? Vestroia? Right? That's where your from?

Robotallion:(looks at the others) We weren't born in Vestroia. We just showed up on this card with information about what's going on and that's it.

Mike: so...that makes earth your home right?

Sirenoid: I guess you can say that.

Mike: Well why don't we train to defend our home.

All 6 of them: Ya we like the sound of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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