Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Two hours later, I was free to leave with only the order to not do any extreme physical activity, Nash making everyone within hearing vicinity incredibly uncomfortable when he muttered something snide about how I was going to struggle following the doctor's wishes. To say we were rushed out of the emergency department was an understatement.

Cameron, Jack, and Genevieve were sat in the waiting room, all looking incredibly bored.

Jack's eyes lit up at the sight of us, relief visible in all their faces.

The fluorescent lighting cast shadows on their features and they looked like the sick ones, not me. So deathly pale, almost waxy.

Except Genevieve. The lighting only seemed to enhance her amazing bone structure and ignite her uncommonly green eyes. She was beautiful to look at, but her personality just made her so much more attractive. I was envious.

"Finally. Can we get some food now?" Jack asked as we reached them, the waiting room surprisingly empty for a Friday night. I glanced at Cameron to see him smirk, amusement clear in his eyes.

We left the hospital, and I felt so much better. There was just something about being in a hospital that made you feel sick. Even if you weren't sick, you still felt sick.

"Jack isn't happy when he's hungry," Cameron said quietly in my ear, his hands shoved into the pockets of his grey hoodie, dulling the color of his eyes slightly.

"Yeah, I can tell," I muttered back as he snapped at Nash and Genevieve as we walked to his car, pouting like a little boy.

"I don't want Chinese, I told you that already. I feel like butter chicken." Jack sounded so stroppy, and I found that I couldn't stop the laughter from escaping my mouth.

The streetlights were the only thing that lit up the night, like man made stars emitting plastic light over blurry faces.

The city was never silent, amidst the sirens and car horns, the waves crashing on the shore were very prominent. It was like two different worlds, one so calm and serene, the other filled with movement and noise.

Everything was a whir of motion and life, drunk people and groups of friends all rushing down the street around us, never stopping, always moving onto the next thing. It sent a rush through my body that had nothing to do with the bite of the air.

Cameron shook his head from beside me, raising his eyebrows in amusement. "We're a strange bunch. But we all seem to fit together so well. I couldn't imagine better friends." His smile dropped as he watched Nash, laughing and making a dick of himself to the other people walking on the sidewalk, winking and blowing kisses to girls going past. 

A part of me felt jealous, the part that had no self-control, but the smart, reasonable side quickly squashed it down.

"He can be such an asshole sometimes, but he's my best friend. I don't want to hurt him. I know it seems like he doesn't care about anything... But he really does." Nash turned to us then, sticking his tongue out, his eyes dripping with mischief. He brought is shoulders up as he giggled, his grin wide, and he looked like a little boy. Happy. 

"You couldn't hurt him." I kept my eyes trained on Nash's straight back as I felt Cameron's stare on the side of my face. "Nothing you could do would break your friendship."

He sighed, deep and long. "There is. Just one thing, I think. He doesn't even realise it yet, but I see it."

We reached Jack's car then, all previous conversations lost as we decided where to go.

"What about Mc Donald's?" Nash put forward, and I glanced at Cameron.

His head was turned away from me, but I could tell he was laughing, his entire body was softly shaking the way it did when he was amused. It made a strange flutter shoot through my body, goosebumps rising on my arms.

After a few protests and a lot of grumbling from Jack about "Wanting some fucking curry," we finally got in the car and drove to the fast food restaurant.

Upon arrival, Jack's mood worsened when he was told the frozen Coke machine was out of order.

"What kind of shitty Mc Donald's doesn't have frozen Coke?" he'd exclaimed, his neck starting to turn a little red.

Cameron had quickly taken over the ordering, Genevieve tugging Jack away from the counter and to a seat where he continued to glower at the workers.

"They'd make a cute couple, don't you think?" Nash murmured in my ear, catching me staring at the pair.

I felt my cheeks flush and I turned away from them, to find a smiling Nash looking down at me.

"Yeah, I think they'd be cute. They certainly look the part." Nash nodded, his eyes flitting to our table and back to me.

His hands were tucked into the back pockets of his denim jeans, his cheeks too flushed, except his was from the wind, not embarrassment.

He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "So uh, how have you been?" I saw Cameron's back straighten out of the corner of my eye, and knew he was listening.

"I've been okay. Busy. Yourself?" I suddenly felt very uncomfortable being surrounded by so much tension. Nash's gaze was so intense, and I could see Cameron's hands turning to fists on the counter.

"Terrible. I've missed your troublesome ass." I couldn't help but roll my eyes as he grinned and bumped his shoulder against mine. He became quickly serious though. "Honestly, I've been a jerk ever since we met and I'm sorry." He looked sincere, his blue eyes wide and honest and I found myself believing him.

I nodded slowly, giving him a small smile. "I guess I'm partly to blame." He raised his eyebrows in amusement. "I mean, I did break into your house... But you were mean."

"True, true. But how about we do something this week, just the two of us? Something fun that doesn't involve too much physical activity." He winked at me and I laughed again, but nodded.

"That sounds great. So long as there's no chance I'll slip again." I found myself laughing easily with Nash, and we were so encased in each other that we didn't even realise that Cameron had left with our food and we were holding up the line. At least, I didn't realise. Knowing Nash he probably just didn't care.

As we sat down at the table, our attention was speedily drawn to Jack, who was scowling down at his Big Mac.

"It's just not the same as butter chicken, is it Jacky boy?" Cameron teased, clapping Jack heavily on the back.

"You couldn't understand," he mumbled sadly, resting his chin on his fist.

As Genevieve began to comfort him, Cameron spoke again, so quiet that only I, and possibly Nash, heard him. "Wanting something you couldn't have? Yeah, I understand that perfectly." My gaze moved from Genevieve and Jack to Cameron, who was staring straight back at me, a look of longing in his eyes. In a moment, the emotion was gone.



Ah. Who loves Jack? I love Jack.

This was a bit of a filler chapter, becauseee I have great things happening in these next few chapters that will make you super happy! Eeeek excited cx

If you liked this chapter then don't be afraid to vote and comment your thoughts :3


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