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Zoe and William both became famous Broadway actors and had 2 kids. Their oldest was Evie. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. When she got older, she dyed her tips blue. She loved acting just like her parents. She also liked writing. Their other child, George, had short blonde hair with brown eyes. He liked drawing and writing. He was a shy, quiet boy, with a few close friends, while Evie was popular and had lots of friends. George inherited the visions.

Eric and Luna had also gotten married and had a son named Philip. Philip liked drawing and studying space like his mom. He had black hair with brown eyes. He was also a quiet boy, who had visions like his mom, he became best friends with George.

Eric stayed in the police force. Luna became an astronomer.

Henry and Penelope got married and had a daughter named Chloe. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She was a rich, snobby, brat that no one liked. She hated Evie. Secretly she was jealous of her but would never admit it. She made a girl in their class named Julia her slave. If anyone asked them they'd say they were best friends.

Lily became a Broadway actor. She met Joshua Jordan, the son of Jeremy Jordan, during Hamilton and fell in love with him. Joshua had black hair. They had a daughter together named Leah with long black hair. She also loved acting just like her parents. She and Zoe became best friends.

Camille became a preschool teacher and stayed single, but she adopted a child named Hugo. He had short blonde hair and brown eyes. He was really shy. He had social anxiety and hardly talked to anyone besides his mom. He loved art and became famous for it. He did art until the day he died. He didn't let anyone or thing stop him!

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