Chapter 6

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I stood waiting in Harry's apartment for him to finally be ready to leave. I had been waiting for the past twenty minutes as he rushed to grab everything that he needed. In disorganized chaos, he ran back and forth around his apartment.

I tapped my foot against the ground in annoyance. I knew for a fact he was going to be late for this shoot. Of course, he wouldn't face any repercussions though. I just felt bad for everyone who had to sit around waiting for him.

I was here on what was supposed to be my day off, waiting for him to get his shit together. Nothing pissed me off more than being late to something. It was plain disrespectful and rude. I groaned, "Harry are you almost done?"

His voice sounded from his bedroom "Chill out, I just have to grab a hat and some sunglasses." I could hear him rummaging through his room.

A few moments later he walked out in his signature black jeans and a band tee. His sunglasses hung from his neckline. I could see the sparrows on his neck peak out.

"Put this in your bag," he said shoving a pack of cigarettes and gum in my hand without asking.

Could he not just hold his own shit?

"I'm not your assistant nor your mother, you realize that right?" I said as I slipped it into my bag to appease him. I was just doing whatever got us out of the door

"My jeans are too tight for them," he explained.

"Then get bigger jeans." I tried to reason. He wasn't listening though. "Let's just go." I asked once again.

"Oh and by the way, for today, you are my assistant. Can't let anyone know why you're really here," he smirked causing me to let out another groan. This was his excuse to make me do whatever he wanted today.

He grabbed his keys from the mess of a table.

"You're driving? Don't you have people for that?" I said praying that he did. I couldn't imagine letting him behind the wheel, we would never make it.

"I'll get us there faster," he said motioning for me to follow him out the door.

Yes because that's what I needed.

He twisted the key in the door, locking his apartment. I stood next to him, realizing how much he towered over me. It was intimidating being in his presence, and it never faded.

I followed him to the elevator, standing at the farthest point from him. His long fingers pressed the button leading us to the lowest level of the building.

We sat in silence the whole way down. I avoided eye contact but remained staring at him, taking him all in.

Finally, the doors chimed open revealing a parking garage. The air was noticeably cooler than in the elevator and there wasn't a person to be seen. Harry pressed on the key, causing his car to chirp signaling it was unlocked. I'm sure it was just one of many.

It was a sleek black Range Rover with the darkest tinted windows I had ever seen. Even right next to it I couldn't see inside. He went to the driver's side and got inside. I grabbed the handle, opened the passenger side, and took a step up to get inside. Buckling my seat belt, I turned to him waiting for him to do the same.

Instead, he just turned the car on, causing the radio to blast at the highest possible setting. I didn't even try to ask him to buckle his seat belt because I knew what his response would be.

His hand reached for the gear shift, putting the car in drive. I focused on them, never thinking hands could be attractive before. I tried to rid myself of that thought.

off the record; harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now