The Gift

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Surprise!" Goggles and Specs yelled, and switched on the light, revealing several more inklings and octolings hiding among the decor.

"Happy Birthday Bobble!" Nana clapped her hands along with Hachi, Ponytail, and Burns. Being apart of their first surprise party, wasn't just surprising for the Birthday girl like they originally thought.  Bobble Hat didn't look surprised. She hardly jumped back when Headphones ushered her in her apartment and their teammates hit the light switch.

It was her smile that made everyone know she felt appreciated. She placed her hands on her face and smiled brightly at everyone in the room. "Y- you guys did all this for me?" She looked around at all the decorations; blue streamers hanging from every corner, a table covered with confetti and a cake, and in large blue letters spelled "Bobdle Haf!" Specs mentally scolded himself for putting Goggles in charge of finding a suitable banner. Skull had set Lollipops around the table at everyone's seat, and Prince had gotten his brothers king chair; which was placed at the table for Bobble Hat.

Headphones grabbed a party hat from a nearby shelf, "of corse Bobble! You deserve it!" She took Bobble's hat which was already off, and put on her party hat, which already had on it Bobble's name scrawled in sharpie. "Now who wants some cake?!" Everyone cheered and made their way to the table.

The cake was Bobble's favorite chocolate-vanilla mix, and after they ate some cupcakes, there where a few presents to be opened. Nana got her a cute little pink jacket, and a few other pieces of gear. Hachi and Burns got her a journal with sparkly stickers, and a pencil with blue sloshers printed on the wood. Goggles was apparently supposed to grab his and Specs's present, which was still on his nightstand. Since Skull wasn't good at presents, he and Headphones teamed up and decided to get her a few colorful pins to put on her hat, as well as a handcrafted bracelet. Emperor had told Prince that he was to old for silly Birthday party's, but he still helped pick out a gift, that gift being a somewhat expensive necklace with a little blue gem in the center of a silver butterfly.

"Thank you everyone! These where so thoughtful!" Smiles and a few blushes began spreading threw the room at her remark. Bobble began pinning her new pins to her hat, as well as stuck a few stickers on Goggles's head. As they laughed around the table Bobble noticed something. There was another present on the counter, pushed back to the wall.

"Who's is this one from, it doesn't have a tag?" Bobble reached across the counter to grab it and sat in one of the bar stools, as the crowd looked behind at her from their seats. 

Specs adjusted his glasses and got up to view it better, "I don't remember this one, it's not the one we got you. Ours had dark blue wrapping, this has light purple." Everyone else's confused glares made it clear the gift belonged to no one in the room.

Chatter began arising with the mystery present, until Goggles chimed in with, "why don't you open it?"

Bobble had been studying the neatly wrapped box. It's light purple wrapping almost looking like silk. She didn't really want to open it if that meant this beautiful paper would be ripped, so she carefully unlatched the tape and folded the paper once it was off the box. It didn't weigh nearly anything and there was hardly any sound inside when she shook it. There was anticipation on everyone's face, except Skull's, in fact he looked as if he where silently smiling under the mask. After Headphones gave scissors to Bobble, she opened the box.

A gasp of pure joy came from her when she saw what was inside.

She pulled it out of the box, amazed at how soft it was. The octolings in the room awed and so did Prince and Headphones. Goggles had decided to wear the discarded box as a hat.

"Oh my cod it's adorable!" Nana and Ponytail rushed to Bobbles side to see up close the stuffed animal. It was a little golden puppy with a few dark brown spots, it's large pupils acting as tho it where a real dog with a caring and big heart. Bobble hugged it after stroking its head. "Seriously," she looked around the room, "who got me this?" The box had no card inside and all the puppy had on it was a cyan collar with a heart keychain and a small blue bow.

All the girls where now surrounding Bobble and her new plush, headphones was the only one on the other side of the counter, "Are you gonna name it anything?"

"How about Bluey?"

"Or maybe Bow?"

Bobble stared at the dog and it's adorable, deep eyes. And then out of the blue; a name. "Her name is Vail." Nana, Headphones and Ponytail all awes, while Skull still sat at the table with Goggles and Prince, all now eating their lollipops. Specs and the rest of the girls sat back down as well to eat their suckers but Bobble stayed sitting at the counter, as Hachi handed her her lollypop, her other hand never letting go of Veil.


It was the next day when Skull probably got lost in the square again. His teammates where nowhere so he decided to grab a bite at Crusty Sean's. All the tables where free, except one that was shaded from the sun, and the inkling in said shade was protected from the pollen in the air thanks to his mask.

"It was you wasn't it?" Skull stood in front of Mask's table, holding his plate of food.

He reluctantly looked up from his phone but it was almost impossible to tell with the mask, "what was me?" He closed his legs under the table and slouched further down in his seat.

"The mystery present at the party. That was your gift."

"It was just a little something I saw. Wasn't that much money, so I just got it-" he subconsciously rubbed the back of his head and sat up further. "It was a stupid idea, I didn't even put a tag on it cause of how dumb it w-"

"That was her favorite gift."

Skull then left to go sit at another table, leaving Mask to soak up what he had just said. She liked it? No, he said it was her favorite gift? Her favorite gift.

He secretly smiled and a small blush bloomed under his mask.

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