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Stella's POV~

I was holding my son,softly singing him to sleep. His dad was gone for the day to deal with some cult.

(👇This is the song Stella is singing 👇)

"Oh Alcor, I just know you will grow up to be a strong Dream demon just like your dad. I just wish that people and monsters would stop trying to take you from us just so they can use you against us,but we will always keep you safe no matter what. "

After he fell asleep,I put him in his  bassinet before quietly leaving his room to make dinner for me and Bill. I love my family so much, I'm just the most  luckiest demon in the whole mind scape.

As I was setting the table I heard glass breaking and Alcor crying. I ran to his room and I saw this figure looking over my son.

"Who are you?" I asked in a threatening tone.

The figure didn't respond he just glanced at me before reaching for Alcor.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I shouted while charging to him,I was about to hit him,but he quickly put up his hand that had six fingers and shot me and fall to the floor. I couldn't breathe,I looked up and saw the figure open up some kind of Portale and enter it while holding Alcor.

"B..bring him b..ba..back" was the last thing I said before I collapsed and everything went black.

Bills pov~

I have just arrived home feeling exhausted from having to deal with those meatsacks, but at least I get to go home to my wife Stella and my loving son Alcor.

Once I entered my house I felt uneasy for some reason so I quickly went to the kitchen to see if Stella was cooking,but it was empty with a smashed plate on the floor. I started to get worried, so I went to my son's room.

Once I entered Alcor's room. I saw something I wish I never had to see,I saw my wife Stella on the floor. I ran to her side Once I held her hand it felt cold,I checked for a pulse, but I got nothing. Then I noticed I didn't hear Alcor crying. I ran to his bassinet, but I didn't see him,I was about to go full rage ,until I remembered that I can go into Stella's memory.

I walked over to my wife's dead body laying on the floor. I put my forehead on her's and saw what has happened.

"So,someone with six fingers killed my wife and took my son."I said to myself.

'I promise you Stella,I'll get our son back and kill this thing that has six fingers."
I hope you enjoyed the start of this  fanfic.

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