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Dippers pov~

Me and my sister Mable have just arrived to uncle-Stan's house which he also transformed it into a tourist trap.
I don't know why, but ever since we arrived to gravity falls, I kept getting this uneasy feeling.

Me and Mable was working in the gift shop,I was cleaning while may sister was staring at a boy.

"Mable,I know you're going through your "boy crazy" phase,but I think you're over doing it."

"What!? [Blows raspberry]. Come on dipper! This is our first summer away from home. It's my chance to have a summer romance. "

"Yeah,but do you have to flirt with every guy you meet?"

Mock all you want brother,but I got a good feeling about this summer. I wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams walked out that door."

After she said that,our grunkle Stan walked out the door she pointed behind her.

"Oh,why?" She said in a grossed out way,which made me laugh.

"I need someone to hammer these signs in the spooky part of the forest." Grunkle Stan said holding up wooden arrow signs.

Mable:"not it"
Dipper:"not it"
Soos:"not it"

"No one asked you soos" grunkle Stan said looking at soos.

"I know and I'm comfortable with that"

"Wendy! I need you to put up this sign"

"I would, but uh can't.." she said while "trying" to reach it.

"I'd fire all of you if I could,ok,eenie" grunkle said pointing to me afterwards.

"Oh, what? Grunkle Stan, whenever I'm in those woods I feel like I'm being watched."

"Uhg,this again"

"I'm telling you something weird is going on in this town. Just today my mosquitoe bites spelled out "BEWARE""
I said as I showed him the bites on my arm.

"That says "BEWARB". Look kid,the whole "monsters in the forest" are just a local legend drummed up by guys like me to sell merch to guys like that." Grunkle Stan said as he pointed to a guy laughing at a bobbling head."now stop being so paranoid." He said as he tossed me the signs.

Now I'm here in the forest hammering the signs to trees.

"Ugh. Grunkle Stan. Nobody ever believes of what I say."

As I was about to hammer a nail in the next tree,but once I hit it the nail didn't go in,instead I heard a metallic clank. I putted my ear up to the tree and tapped it again with the hammer.

I felt around it and found that it was a small door,once I opened it I saw this odd device that had buttons, nobs and two small levers. I clicked the right one 3 times and the left one once. I was starting to think,until I heard a sound behind me. Once I looked I saw part of the ground move revealing a small hole.

As I walked up to it I saw a book with dust on it, I picked it up and blew the dust off revealing a six fingered hand on the cover with a 3 in the middle. I don't know why, but I feel like I saw this hand somewhere.

As I was looking through it my head began to hurt,so I closed it and leand back on a log 'w-why is my head hurting and why do I feel like I should know something about the cover?' I was pulled away from my thoughts when my sister scared me from behind.

"What you readin'? Some nerd thing?"

"Uh,let's go somewhere private."

~Back at the shack~

I was explaining to my sister about the mysterious book and how gravity falls has like this dark side,I don't know why, but something was telling me to not mention the weird feeling I have about this book. I then heard the doorbell ring.

"Who's that?" I asked out loud.

"Well,time to spill the beans,this girl's got a date. Whoo whoo!"

"let me get this the half hour I was gone you already found a boyfriend?"

"What can I say? I guess I'm just irresistiblllle!" Mable said before running to the door.

I sat down and looked through the journal,until I heard my uncle come in the living room.

"What you readin there slick?"

I quickly hid the book behind the cushion and picked up a random magazine.

"Oh! Just uh,gold chains for old men magazine?"

"That's a good issue" grunkle Stan said as he took another sip from his soda.

"Hey family,say hello to my new boyfriend" Mable said as she came back to the living room, but with this strange guy dressed in black with his hood up. He said his name was "Norman",he also had something dripping from his face,he said it was jam but I don't know. They left before I could ask anything.

I headed up stairs to another part of the attic that had this glass triangle window that looked like it had an eye in the middle. I don't know why,but I always felt comfortable sitting by it,even when I had this book that gives me this weird feeling of fear every time I saw the cover,but as I'm looking through the book I don't feel scared,I feel like safe when im by this window.

As I was looking through the journal, I came across a page about zombies,as I read it,it described Norman perfectly. I glanced out the window to see Norman walk up to my sister in a way that zombies would walk.

"Oh no,MABLE"

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