chapter 1.

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Beth's pov--
So me and my brother Connor  have just moved house's with our parents we have moved so Connor can be closer to his band,  the vamps, it was only a couple of days ago that they got signed, I was so proud of my big bro.

Oh wait I haven't told you about myself,  well  , I'm Bethany ball , Connor balls sister,  I'm younger than con,  I'm 17 , I look exactly like Connor but I'm a girl, :-)

Message from : Vicki Hey girll how ya doing? Settled in yet?

Message to ; Vicki Heya, yesh I've settled in just fine you should come round some time girll

Oh I bet your wondering who Vicki is well shes my bestfriend, and she goes out with Tristan from the vamps, she's perfect with light Brown hair and perfect sea-blue eyes.

Message from :Vicki Yess girl we need to spend some time together

"do you want to meet the rest of the band?"
"OMFG yesh"
"haha well get ready and you can meet them"

I quickly put on my light blue skinny jeans , a crop top and my red  vans , also with a fluffy cream cardigan. Now all I had to do was make up all I put on was foundation lip gloss mascara and my eye liner. There my look was perfected. Also I curled my blond hair.

"you ready yet?"
"yesh lemmie get my phone"

We had got to the studio where they boys had been recording and damm all of them were on fire.They are so hot♥ and cute.

"Bethany I would like you to meet the band"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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