Hickey prank

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Everybody does this so I'm gonna give it a try

Hi everyone here I'm again and today I'm going to do super cool prank on my boyfriend Jaden namely the hickey prank so let's start with the fake hickey." I grab my makeup and make a fake hickey. I am now waiting for Jaden to come and get me Javon and Jayla already know about the prank so let's go. I walk outside and get in the car next to Jaden. I flip my hair away from my neck so that the fake hickey is visible.

Jaden: what is that?" he gently grabs my neck to take a closer look at my hickey. Jaden: Is that a hickey?!" "No." I say briefly. Jaden: Yes it is Jayla you can drop me off at home!" "Why it's not hickey." Jaden: Do you think I'm blind or something? You cheated on me so fuck you." I just look away from Jaden so he knows I don't care. Jaden: I gave you everything to make you happy and you just go with someone else!" he says as he gets out of the car

When he gets out of the car, we all burst out laughing. Javon: OMG his face." "I'm going to tell him it's a prank." I walk out of the car to his house towards his room I put my ear on the door and hear someone sobbing. I knock on the door and Jaden opens it and just tries to close it. "Jaden, it's prank it's just make up." but suddenly he pushes so hard against the door that I fall backwards with my head against the wall.

Jaden: It's not a prank it doesn't even come off." he shouts while his door is closed. "It's a prank and it's done with make up." I say while grabbing my head. He opens the door Jaden: show me then." I grab makeup wipes and wipe one over the fake hickey. "See fake." they I. Jaden pulls me into his room and closes the door and he pushes his head into my neck.  and leaves soft kisses on my neck . When he finds a good spot he sucks softly after that he goes with his tongue over the spot.

Jaden: If you want a hickey, just ask." I smile and lie down on his bed. He crawls on his bed and puts his head on my stomach. I gently run my finger through his hair. "You know I would never do anything like that in real life, right?" Jaden: I just really thought you cheated on me." "I'm sorry," I whisper softly. He lifts his head on a kisses my forehead. Jaden: It's okay."

that night me and Jaden did nothing but cuddle and kiss each other.

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