Daelo and Y/N

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"Hi guys today I'm here with Daelo to prank Jaden, Daelo tell them what were gonna do." Daelo: Iam going to act that I like Y/N and steal Y/N from Jaden!" "That's right I bet hes gonna be mad, let's start." Me and Daelo pick the camera and walk down stairs. Jaden: Hey baby." he says kissing me on the cheeck. "Hey babe." Daelo: Come baby let's go on a walk!" Hes so smart. "Yeah let's go." Jaden: did you just call her baby?" Daelo: yeah!" Jaden: that's my nickname for her." Daelo: not anymore!"

We walk to the door and Jaden comes to. Daelo: let's go Y/N let's go on our date." Jaden gives a deathstare to Daelo as he walks out of the house. We walk to the park when Jaden grabs my hand. Daelo comes to us and breaks our hands from eachother and grabs my hand. Daelo: bye loser." he says to Jaden and grabs my hand. I smile at Daelo as we are far enough for Jaden to not hear us. "Your doing good!" Daelo: thx!"

Jaden: babe I wanna go home." he says whining and laying his head at my schoulder at the park. Daelo: wanna go watch a movie at my house and eat snacks with out JADEN?" "Umm sure why not." Jaden: why can't I come." Daelo: because me and Y/N are having a date night." he says stickin his tongue out. Jaden: you can't date Y/N your to young and btw Y/N is mine so ." 

Daelo: anyway let's go." "we walk home and Jaden looked a bit pist of. I walked over to him. "Me and Daelo are pranking you." He looked at me . Jaden; serious?" "Shh don't tell him.

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