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"Will you drive me home now or..." you questioned but you were interrupted when his eyes met yours. This time he had a different expression on his face. A mix of lust and seriousness. He wanted you in his house. Feeling and using every inch of you. Shit. The realization came over you and you stopped walking. "Uh, I-I..." you started stuttering and his lips curved into a smirk. "Or I'm gonna bring you with me to my house." He said. As expected. What to do now? Calm. Stay calm, the fuck. You nodded. "Sounds good." You brought out. As soon as you said it he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the car. "Glad you said that. You mind give me another kiss?" He said, acting pouting. You laughed a little and pecked his lips. Where was your fucking problem? This man's a gentleman and the one you should get to loose your goddamn virginity, stop acting like a idiot, Y/N. You thought and smiled to yourself. He'd never hurt you.

He started driving and everything turned dreamy. The radio was playing some songs in the background and the lights of the city were shining bright. His hand was on your thigh the whole time and you enjoyed every second of this moment. When you looked up you saw the stars in the sky, and a nightly wind blew through your hair. Your gaze fell on Tony, who looked almost flawless for you. His hair moved into the wind and one hand was placed over the wheel. His eyes never left the road and you started to feel save. Save, like you never felt before. Actually you had had depressions not even a month ago, but to meet Tony had changed you. The whole depressed feeling had started last summer when everything turned into a whole timelapse. Repeating of everything. Every single day turned the same, everyone and everything. You started to feel emptied by any emotions and that wasn't nice at all. Whatever you did, thought or said. Everything turned trivial. But you met Tony. Him. He brought you back to, as pathetic it was, the one memory of the emotions you used to feel.

You were lost in thoughts as the car stopped in front of his mansion. "You alright?" He questioned, looking at you. Even that little bit of feelings he noticed. "Yes, yes everything's fine. Never been better." You replied, giving him a lovely smile. "Great. Let's go inside." "Let's." You nodded. You two went inside and walked to the living room. There you sat down onto the couch and took of your jacket. "The dress suits you literally." He said, repeating himself. "You... you already said that." "Did I?" "Yeah." Gosh those conversations.
"What do you want to do now, sweetheart? Watch TV?" "Yes why not" you shrugged.

You started watching TV and it was actually really boring. You kept moving in your seat next to Tony, and he got almost mad. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in his lap. "Woman, relax." He said, laughing. You blushed but also laughed. After a while you began to move again when you felt something hard on your butt. "Don't move. Don't move, baby." Tony growled under you, and your face turned into a red mess. "Hey, hey you're in charge. You are the one who kept moving in my lap." You nodded slowly and went to turn down the volume a bit. You looked around to find the remote control, but you didn't. Then you pointed it on the floor. You bend over in Tony's lap and picked it up from the floor. But Tony grabbed you by the waist and turned you around that you were facing him now. He smirked, but his face turned into a scaring mood. You looked at him for a second and started to kiss him soon after. He kissed you back aggressively and his tongue was inside your mouth soon after. "Fuck." escaped his mouth. "The-... The movie..." you said innocently, which didn't help Tony at all to keep your hands of you. He shook his head no and you tilted your head in confusion.  "That's not how I raised you, is it babygirl?" He said and goosebumps arrived on your whole body. "...To reinstate daddy's rules..." He growled and your eyes widened at the word rules. "What are you waiting for, huh, sweetheart?" He said and you tried to collect yourself. "Uh... I..." you started a pathetic sentence, "... I'm really, uh... thirsty." You said but it sounded like a question, a pathetic way to get out of this situation. "I'm gonna get myself... something." You mumbled and started to get up from his lap. You almost ran out of the room and went to the kitchen. You grabbed a random glass and filled it up with water when you felt someone's hands around your waist. His. You turned your head to the left and breathed in harshly as he started placing kisses over your neck. "Gosh..." you moaned out, making Tony press his waist against you. He bit into your neck and you bit your lip to resist other noises. "Let's go to the fucking bedroom or I'll fuck you right here." He mumbled into your ear. "Y-yes." you stuttered. As soon as he heard that his hands dropped to your ass. He turned around "Jump." You did as he said so and wrapped your legs around his waist. He carried you up the stairs, his lips sucking and biting on yours. As soon as he arrived in the bedroom he laid you down onto the bed and towered above you. You couldn't hide a bit of angst since it was your first time. "Don't be scared. I'll be gentle." He said and you nodded. "This time." He added and you smiled. "What's that? Oh, you won't be smiling after I'm done with you, sweetheart, trust me."

Hellooooo, just wanted to ask if I should write the smutty part or not???
Btw thank you so much for the reads and votes. Love ya

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