Chapter 4- Meeting The Right Person

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Monday Morning - Class 1-A Homeroom: 3:35 PM


Forest green.

That was the color of Midoriya's hair as it shook back and forth as the breeze from the open window blew through his hair whilst Midoriya furiously wrote down what Aizawa was saying, word for word, in one notebook and compiled the information into another notebook.

Suddenly, Midoriya stopped writing and scanned the room until his eyes landed on Uraraka.

Emerald green met caramel brown.

That was the color of Midoriya's eyes as they stared into Uraraka's eyes, matching her gaze.

It was a deep green, so deep that Uraraka found herself getting lost in it, subconsciously smiling back at Midoriya as she felt her face start to get warmer.

Once Midoriya saw Uraraka's smile, he gave her a small smile as he blushed lightly and turned to face forward to continue writing.

Uraraka's Pov: 3:36 PM

"-aka" A voice said faintly. "-raka..." The voice said slightly louder. "Uraraka!" The voice yelled as I finally recognized that it was calling my name.

"Huh?" I exclaimed as I snapped out of my daze and turned my head to face the direction of the voice. 'Aizawa-Sensei?' I question rhetorically as I lay my gaze on Aizawa-Sensei. 'And why are there so many people looking at me?' I question as I notice that half of the class is looking at me.

"Pay attention when I'm teaching." Aizawa-Sensei said as he glared at me whilst his eyes began to glow red. "Or would you rather learn your lesson in detention instead?" Aizawa-Sensei said as he activated his quirk and let his hair float above his head.

'So that's why...' I think as I feel my face heat up. "N-No, sorry, Aizawa-Sensei." I say as I shook my head no. 'I was staring at Deku-Kun for way too long...' I think as I look down slightly.

I could have sworn I heard some giggling from in front of me but that was quickly stopped as Aizawa-Sensei glanced over in the direction of the person giggling.

"Well, then you better pay attention because everything I'm teaching during this lesson will be on your next test." Aizawa-Sensei said as he deactivated his quirk and stopped glaring at me. "Now then, back to standard protocol during a hostage situation..." Aizawa-Sensei said as he turned around to face the board and started drawing on it.

Everyone faced forward to go back to the lesson and I started writing down any notes that I could.

Third Person Pov

Monday Morning - Class 1-A Homeroom: 3:45 PM

The final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.

"That's all for the day." Aizawa said as he turned to face the door to the classroom and started walking toward it. "Class is dismissed." Aizawa said as he raised his right hand to the handle to open the door and walked through the doorway.

As soon as Aizawa said that, most of Class 1-A started to get out of their seat and pack up their stuff to start filing out of the classroom.

"Class is finally over..." Kaminari said as he slung his bag over his shoulders and started walking toward the door to the classroom.

"You guys want to head to the dorms and try that new fighting game?" Kirishima asked as he slung his bag over his shoulders and started following after Kaminari.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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