Ch.10: "Her 'toy' collection"/"Mission Prep"

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A/N: The above picture is what I envision the other half of her room to look like but in a robotic, Cybertronian sort of aesthetic mixed with a Noir type detective's office layout & the whole window is a large quirk board that stretches around the room. I wish I could find a sort of robotic noir office set up, but I couldn't. As for her actual domestic half of the space, it looks like everyone else's room in the warehouse, but her berth looks oversized when she's on it.  

"Aurelia!? Are you up yet!?" I snap from my daunting dream to the sound of Optimus modestly rapping at my door, still locked by my extra input tactic on both sides. During my unconscious fit, I had fallen onto the floor faceplate first, knocking my helm off of my head in the process.

"Guh! Y-yeah, I'm up! I'll be out in a nano-klik!" I call out as I scramble to snatch my helm from underneath the desk, but it's stuck on something on the wall nearest the floor.

"Not right now! C'mon!" I grunt as I give the damn thing a tough wrench that released it, sending me into the floor with pieces of the wall stuck to my helm & scattered on the floor followed by a negligible clanking sound. Knocking echoes again as Optimus asks from the other side of the door if I was hurt. I say I'm okay & look back to the hole in the floor molding with a subtle wince.

I haven't had this room for more than a cycle & I'm already trashing it! I can try to patch it up later but for now I need to focus on my mission. I type in the code & the door splits open to show Optimus with a groggy looking Sari on his shoulder scrubbing her optics with her itty-bitty balled servos. She's so cute!

"It looks like you & Sari had the same amount of recharge last night." Jokes Optimus as Sari drops her fists from her little optics that snap open wide as she signals to her head.

"I didn't know you had hair too! It looks so good on you!" Her grogginess disintegrated from view as Optimus agreed with her statements but correcting her by saying that my 'hair' was actually called or referred to as 'Cables'.

"I take it you're here to help me stock up before I head off, right, Lil' bit?" I tuck my helm up under my left arm as the last portion of the residual torturous sensation ebbs from my shoulder plates, though it still remains ever-present in my protoform. Her pig tails perk up quickly as she stands on his shoulder.

"You know it! Hey, could you always take your helmet off or does it hurt?" Optimus hands her to me & excuses himself to join the others in the living space as they await the team's mission 'game plan'.

"Woah hold up. I thought I was going alone. I'm just letting Lil' Bit keep me company until I head out." I set Sari into my helm for safe keeping while I stand from leaning on the door frame & taking a defensive teenaged stance with my other servo balled onto my hip. Optimus stays in his mid-walking position with his back plates turned to me as Sari ducked into my helm with a tiny "Ooo". He turns shyly, speaking carefully.

"You were, after we scouted the area near those photos." He twists to point to the pictures on my large quirk board timidly. Don't argue with him, femme. If you comply with this silly plan that they came up with behind your back plates, then you can probably earn enough of their trust to make it easier on yourself to go hunting solo tonight while they recharge if they can. With a stressed vent, I nod with a subtly displeased "Sure." Then close the door.

"Nice set up, it looks like something out of an old, detective style movie." Sari comments, pointing to my roll top desk & other similar features that I had changed since she was last in here.

"Thanks." I answer absently as I scoop her out of my helmet to set her & the head covering down onto my cluttered desktop, leaving my now empty, leveled berth for me to lay out my chosen artillery for examination. I always check & double check my weapons as to avoid sabotage or failure to the best of my abilities. I begin to unload my armor's hidden contents that I had used my home made shrink ray on that I kept hidden in my palms.

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