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Jeongin sighed "it have been such a long time since I went outside to hang out with someone after school. do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" Jeongin asked "I'm so sorry, seungmin and I already planned to hang out you know" Hyunjin says "oh, it's okay" Jeongin said

Jeongin looked outside the window blankly with so many thoughts coming into his mind

"now, everyone look at your books" the teacher said, everyone quickly turned their eyes towards the teacher

Jeongin looked the teacher who was now paying attention to a classmate explaining about something. Jeongin got closer to hyunjin "how about we hang out today?" Jeongin whispered to him "hm to where?" he asked while looking at the teacher

"Just in our school, after lunch hang out at um somewhere..?" he said "sure" Hyunjin smiled

"okay so turn to page number 79" the teacher said loudly


Jeongin looked at the ground while walking "it is such a nice weather" Hyunjin smiled "Let's go sit there!" Hyunjin puller Jeongin by the wrist and began to run fastly

"I bought this drinks" Hyunjin said "which one you want?" He looked at Jeongin. Jeongin was distracted and stared at some random people from far

"Jeongin?" Hyunjin calls "aah yeah?" He replied "which one?" he asks again "this one" he pointed at a drink without noticing it, he was bothered by something

"you really look pretty disturbed about something" Hyunjin said "what's wrong? You can tell me" he said "um nothing just didn't got enough sleep last night" Jeongin said

"Oh why whats wrong? are you okay?" Hyunjin asks "yesterday I saw a nightmare.. the same exact nightmare I use to see in my childhood. It scares me honestly" Jeongin said "after waking up I felt so dizzy and I almost fainted" Jeongin looked at Hyunjin "I felt really.. scared. It still gives me goosebumps when I think about that dream" his voice became low

"Why didn't you called someone to stay with you. You could even call me Jeongin, you know right I am always here. I know you have really bad nightmares since childhood specially it gets worst in a new environment" Hyunjin says "don't ever think that you will bother me. You are my best friend and more importantly you are like my own brother how can you even think you will bother me in your hard times?" Hyunjin gently put his hand on his shoulder "you were always beside me in my hard times and how can you think I would be not beside you?" Hyunjin said

"and you should have called Seungmin. You guys litreally live together now" Hyunjin said "no, actually.. i really didn't wanted to bother him about this. I saw him studying at that time" Jeongin replied "Jeongin do you really think Seungmin is that kind of person who wouldn't help you when you having anxiety attack? He is not that kind of person who you think Jeongin. I could confidently say he is a better comforter than I am" Hyunjin pat his shoulder

"are you both still gonna to be like this?" Hyunjin said "You don't even know the tiniest information about Seungmin or neither does he do about you. You guys are litreally strangers to each other" Hyunjin told him

"it's not like that Hyunjin. You know the things are really difficult and different now. If it was a normal friendship I would still consider but it's not like that" Jeongin admitted "you know. I don't know why I always feel really odd around him" Jeongin looked at Hyunjin "but in a.." he paused for a second "nevermind" he said

"I just don't know why it really feels weird around him. I don't even have a word to explain that type of my weird behavior and kind of thoughts I have when I see him, it always gets really awkward and weird, its difficult to explain" he told

"never mind, maybe I'm overthinking about the thoughts I think about him" Jeongin mumbled


Jeongin went outside the school with Hyunjin after the school ended and waited for Seungmin "Yeah I'll go with Seungmin today. I actually didn't brought money so there is no option left" Jeongin said "oh" Hyunjin said "tomorrow I'll go with you" Jeongin said

"I'll call you when I'll reach home" Hyunjin said, Jeongin nodding at him. They saw Seungmin coming with a another person

Seungmin came towards him with Yujin "aah not them again" Jeongin said, hyunjin laughed at him. Yujin softly smiled at Seungmin. Jeongin noticed them and looked at Hyunjin with a disgusted face seeing yujin calling Seungmin 'oppa' Jeongin turned towards Hyunjin "aren't they are same age?" He asked "yeah they are" Hyunjin replied "jeez the oppa girl is back to give me trauma again" Jeongin looked at Yujin

"um I think I forgot something" Seungmin mumbled and handed Jeongin his bag "oh wait I forgot something" Seungmin said and walked back to school

The atmosphere got more awkward and slient. Jeongin and Hyunjin looked at each other signaling something to each other. Jeongin soon leaned on his back and cleared his thoart. "so you both are Jeongin and hyunjin right?" Yujin asked "Yeah unfortunately" Hyunjin replied "oh! Nice to meet you. I'm a really big fan of you Hyunjin!" she exclaimed "oh wow-" Hyunjin looked at Jeongin "you are so talented!" She giggled

"Seungmin talks about you both a lot. Mostly Jeongin, he talks about him everytime we are together" Yujin giggled "aah" Hyunjin nodded at her words and smirked at Jeongin

"omg is he really a serial killer? That is so creepy" Jeongin said "huh?" She said and tilted her head  "haha nothing" Hyunjin replied while laughing "he likes to joke a lot you know" Hyunjin laughed at her "oh-" she said

"So you are his best friends right?" She smiled at him. Jeongin looked at her trying not to give her weird judgmental looks "Yeah yeah. We are!" Jeongin replied while smiling "I knew it! You guys are so close with each other" she said

"oh yeah! We are so close that I even told him so many times to stop talking with a weird girl who is so annoying and calls him oppa and thinks it's cute when she calls him that but it isn–" Hyunjin put his hand over Jeongin's mouth to make him stop from speaking any further

"wait, what I didn't heard that-" she said "Your jokes are really funny" She laughed "no I'm not joking though" Jeongin said with a staright face "see his jokes are so funny" Hyunjin slapped jeongin's back "nah I'm not joking, I'm spilling facts" Jeongin said

"and I also saw you guys together often. You guys are seems close too" Jeongin said "Yeah, we have been friends from elementary school" she said

"our past school was better to be honest, at least not every rumors use to spread throughout the school" she said "Seungmin keep having troubles" she looked at them "Yeah a lot" Hyunjin scoffed

"how can they even think Seungmin got engaged at this early age and that girl is from this school?" She said. Hyunjin looked at her before speaking "maybe he can be comfortable about it though" Hyujin replied "he never even dated" she laughed. "a girl" Jeongin mumbled and rolled his eyes after hearing that and turned his head away and saw Seungmin coming back from school

Seungmin came back running towards them "sorry I'm a little late" he said "take your bag its heavy" Jeongin threw the bag in the car and got inside, soon Seungmin inside the car with Jeongin after talking with yujin for a moment

"Bye Seungmin and jeongin" she said, hyunjin waved at him from behind her "Yeah bye" Seungmin said "hey say bye to her" Seungmin mumbled to him "bye yujin~" he said cutely and waved at her

"but why to her only? There is litreally Hyunjin behind her too and you didn't said bye to him and I don't even know her" Jeongin mumbled to him while looking at her and rolled his eyes

"What is wrong with you lately? Are you sick Jeongin?" Seungmin asked him and placed his hand on his forehead. Jeongin quickly removed Seungmin's hand from his forehead "don't touch me" he said

"Yeah I kinda don't feel well" he said "do you need some water-" Seungmin stuttered "no I don't. And don't ask me any question too much" Jeongin said. Seungmin nodded at him

"you're seem really weird to me suddenly" Seungmin said

hey guys, a news!! I think I'll post seungin oneshots shortly, maybe this week ^

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