chapter 4

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Should i ask him for more food? will he yell at me?

Before i could even think about my mouth decided to open by it self,"sir may i have some more please." He smirked at me while tightening his grip on my waist which made me wince in pain. I felt tears start to form but i held it back to make me look strong.

"well let me think kitten.. do you deserve food? " i didn't know whether it was a trick question or not so i stayed quiet.

"Answer me kitten" He pulled me back so my back was pressed against his chest. "i don't know sir", i said with my eyes on the floor scared that he might scream at me.

"Are you scared of me kitten"

should i tell the truth.What if he takes my answer for granted? My mind was telling one while my heart told me another,"no sir".

He let out a laugh that made my shrink forward towards the table,"well, kitten looks like you broke rule number 4. Now tell me kitten what is rule number 4"

oh shit! i knew i shouldn't of lied to him,Is he going to punish me? My hand started to sweat and i started to feel very uncomfortable." Ru-le n-u-m-ber fo-ur is - to -res-pe-ct y-ou s-i-r an-d ev-ery i-n th-e h-ouse - hol-d s-i-r" i tried not to stutter but i couldn't help my self as i was scared i could feel my bones on my hip breaking.

"now kitten do you think you deserve food after you disobeyed me"

"no sir i am sorry sir i didn't mean to, please forgive"

He stared at me for while and then yelled for Audrey.

Audrey came out. "The food was lovely you can take a break tomorrow ." She smiled at him while returning a thank you.

He lifted me up from his lap and placed on the floor while getting up from the wood chair.

once he had placed his feet on the ground he roughly grabbed me and dragged me up the wooden stairs along the corridor and threw me in his room. 

"strip kitten"

"what" is he being serious there is no way i am going to take my clothes of for him. Who the hell does he think he is.

"excuse me , are you disobeying my rules again", oh shit! His eyes were changing from green to black as he took steps towards me i didn't know whether to step back or just stand there.

"i am sorry sir i didn't mean to"

"kitten your so lucky i am in a good mood right now or you would have been punished. Now strip for me and put this on" he threw me an over sized t-shirt and just stood there glaring at me.

"what are you waiting for kitten STRIP NOW" i had no chose but to listen to him as i could her that his mood was slowly changing.

slowly i took off my white jumper that i quickly replace it with an over sized t-shirt,afraid to show my parts to him. I quickly took my jeans of and stared at him ,waiting for my next instruction.

"alright kitten now get over her " he said signalling me toward the bed. I slowly trotted my way towards the bed in order for me to waste time but before i could go any slower i was lifted up by the waist and thrown on to the bed.

"sleep kitten, tomorrows gonna be a big day...


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