Chapter 2

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As I grabbed an apple and sat down waiting for JT. So I put in my earphones and listened to ignorance by Paramore.

'If I'm a bad person you don't like me, well guess I'll make my own way,
It's circle I mean cycle,
I can't excite you anymore,
We're's your gavel?
Your jury?
What's my offence this time?
Your not a judge but if your gonna judge me,
Then sentence me to another life,

Don't wanna hear your sad songs,
I wanna feel your pain,
When you swear it was my fault,
Cos you know we're not the same,
No! We're not the same,
No! We're not the same,
Yeah those friends who stick together,
We wrote our name in blood,
Well I guess you can't except that the change is good,
It's good
It's gooood!!!

Well you treat treat me just like a strange,
Well it's nice to meet you sir,
I guess I'll go,
I best be on my way out,
You treat me like a stranger,
Well it's nice to meet you,
I guess I'll go,
I best be on my way out,
Ignorance is your new best friend,
Ignorance is your new best friend-'

I didn't know I was singing until my little sister pulled one of my earphones out and said "shut up you can't sing" I just sat there and had the urge to cry she know my passion was to sing so why would she say that. I suddenly woke up from my thoughts by a crash from the bins. I ran outside to see JT's car in the middle of the bins with her having a worried look on her face, I don't know why her mum and dad let her have a car all she does is crash into stuff like last time she drove into my garage and luckily for her my dad was on a business trip. But I don't get why dad doesn't let me have my own car I'm older than JT by like, a year and plus I'm more responsible than her. I dashed to her to see if she was okay.

--------at school----------

I got out the car pleased to be still alive and not in a white room with angles around me.

I walked to my locker and got out my first class books which is English and waited for JT to come over so we can walk to class together, me and JT have all of our classes together and I only have a couple with my other friends,as I saw JT walking towards me, her boyfriend stopped her and then I saw her smile brightly, 'I wonder what that's about' thought to myself. Then I felt strong arms around my waist and turned around to see Dan, my boyfriend, in front of me I got on my tip-toes and pecked his lips. then I heard a multiple coughs coming from behind me and turned around and saw JT and carter. Dan and Carter are both jocks and JT is a head cheerleader and I'm the co-head cheerleader, but I'm thinking of quitting because the cheerleaders outfits are becoming more and more slutty. But it keeps me happy cause I'm with my friends.

I walked into English with JT, Dan and Carter behind me. When I got in the classroom I sat down next to JT at the back of the room, and then that's when JT started to panic and that's when I saw why she was panicking.

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