1: Welcome To New York

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Notes: Juliet survives her first day and makes some friends at Midtown High.

Dear Granny and Grandad,

I've just got home from my first day at school. I'm sorry it took so long to write to you after moving in, and if I'm honest after today, I don't know how much free time I'll have to write in general, but I'll try my best. It means a lot to me at least, I know you'd tell me it doesn't matter and you just like hearing from me anyway, but it means a lot to me. 

School today was pretty chaotic, and I have a lot of adjusting to do, but I'm optimistic I can adjust! I think I already made friends too, if they actually liked me enough to consider me as a friend too. They were pretty much the first people to talk to me, and while I kind of hoped I'd be mostly ignored, they were actually really helpful. MJ was at least, she was the one to help explain how my timetable works over here (super different to how last year's worked don't get me started), made sure I found my locker all the classrooms I was supposed to get to (most of them with her), all of it. We got talking about English classes and journalism especially, she's aiming for a high-powered career in the field at the moment, so when I start rambling about that more than you care about I've definitely picked it up from her. The other guy with her was really kind too. He's called Harry, he said he liked my accent which gave me hope that I'm at least interesting and not just weird, and he's been really... protective, I guess? He also seems like the kind of guy who went to private school his whole life. I don't know much more about him than his first name but just the way he talked about stuff sounded like he was loaded, kind of like how that boy I dated from jazz band talked. I'll definitely see what else I can find out for you and keep you updated, I remember you always loving a bit of mystery and gossip. But yeah, without them both, everything today would have been so much harder, so I'm considering myself very lucky.

By far the best news I have for you though is about my first English class. We're studying Romeo and Juliet! My book! And I haven't even missed anything, the rest of the class started it with me this year, and given how many times I've already read it I'd say I'm probably already ahead of everyone else. That's really comforting to think about actually. So thank you for all the times you let me read it to you and act out the swordfights when I was younger... it means a lot, and the play showing up here too feels like a lucky omen. 

I guess that brings me onto Peter. I wasn't really going to mention him because I've only known him a day, haven't really given him a chance, feels kind of mean to complain already and all that. But I don't think we're going to get on. He's friends with Harry, maybe MJ too but it seems a little one-sided at times, I don't know. But he showed up late, obviously sleep deprived... and I know, I know, people have things going on outside of school and I don't know his whole deal, but he doesn't really seem to take anything seriously. Especially not Literature classes, which you know I'm going to feel something about right? Okay, I'll stop pretending like you're interested in bitchy, judgey, girl-talk, I guess I thought just trying to validate how I feel about him to you might make a difference to how I feel about going to that class tomorrow. I don't want it to take away from how much I enjoy the class, or the friends I make. 

I can HEAR you telling me I'm being dramatic.

Let me leave this letter on a higher note though, New York is nowhere near as scary as I'd expected! All the depictions of people being grumpy and aggressive were hugely overplayed stereotypes. The most aggressive person I've seen so far has been a news reporter who seems to have it out for—please try and take this bit seriously—Spider-man, who I haven't even seen yet so how much of a big deal can he really be? For a masked, anonymous hero, his whole personality seems to just be hating the guy. I'll try and get a name for you so you can look him up if you like, but he really isn't any worse than the unsavoury TV personalities we have back home. If his voice wasn't the first thing I heard when leaving the building every morning, I'd definitely care less. Maybe the more I write to you, the more we'll be able to laugh at him, I'll be sure to keep you updated on his latest rants if I ever listen enough to understand what he's on about.

Oh, and if I ever actually see Spider-man, you'll be the first to hear about it.

With love,


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