||Chapter 3|| The Café ☕️

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Im back with a new idea, while writing this i was currently at school. I was the only one in class because our Teacher was ill and we could decide if we wanted to do the Exercises and stuff at home of in the classroom. Well me and 3 other girls and a boy, decided to stay in the classroom. Well, two of the girls didnt even come to the classroom and then jt was only me, my friend and my other friend. Then the boy got bored and went home. The other girl went to the cafeteria to get something but hasnt come back since i was writing this rn. (Her stuff is still here).

Well i dont mind being lonely because i mostly are so -,-


Tysm for all the Support!!♥️


 If the text is written like that: Like that for example Then it means that the person is thinking alright!. And brackets like that: [ and] mean that the person does something

Thanks for reading this! Onto the story.

{One day after the incident}

Daki: Okayyy, what do i have for last class....hmmmm...Oh! its Homeroom, great! i like the teacher he is very nice! [shes talking about Gyomei]

[She went to the Hallways to go to the classroom when she saw Nakime walking toward her.

Daki: Nakime-sama!

Nakime: Oh! Konichiwa Daki-chan!

Nakime: Perfect timing! i wanted to ask you something

Daki: Yes? what is it?

Nakime: would you like to have a Tea with me after school?

Daki: i would love to!

Nakime: thats great! Do you know the Café which is near the Park?

Daki: oh yes!

Nakime: Wanna go there?

Daki: sure!

Nakime: Great! lets meet there then! Have a great class, see ya!

Daki: Thanks! See ya!

{After School}

Daki: im excited, its been centuries since i hung out with her.

[After Class]

[Daki went to the next floor to her brother's classroom. As she went up the stairs, she saw her brother with a boy and girl at the corner talking to each other.]

Daki: Gyu!

Gyuutaro: oh hey Daki

[Daki hugs Gyu]

Gyuutaro: hey hey

Akaza: Ah! Gyuutaro-san, who is that?

Gyuutaro: This is my little sister Daki!

Akaza: oh! Nice to meet you Daki! my name is Akaza and this is my girlfriend Koyuki

Daki: Nice to meet you too Akaza-san and Koyuki-chan!

Koyuki: nice to meet you Daki-chan!

Gyuutaro: soo, do you need something sis?

Daki: Well, I wanted to go to the Café near the park with..


Daki: With Nakime

Love me in the next Life (Daki x Nakime)Where stories live. Discover now